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Yes, it was handball but sometimes this is the game,he said. I don't know how to explain. The ball comes to me and I can't do nothing but this.

Yes, except my horse and dog, and I had to leave them behind,answered Joe, bowing his head a little. 是的,当然还关心我的马和狗,不过我不得不离开它们,乔微策低下头回答说.
Yes, he has. With every advance, our numbers dwindle. “不,他赢了。他每前进一步,我们的人数量就减少了。”
Yes, he is rather cocky,Wendy admitted with regret. Her mother had been questioning her. 她遗憾地承认说:“是的,他是有那么点傲气。”。她妈妈问她来着。
Yes, he was,the man replied. 他过去是。那人回答说。
Yes, he's handsome and that's part of his style, but we didn't sign him up because he's good looking. He's very good at what he does, a highly intelligent manager. 是的,他相貌英俊这是他风格的一部分,但我们不是因为他的长相而和他签约。他十分擅长自己的职业,是个非常聪明的主教练。
Yes, it was handball but sometimes this is the game,he said. I don't know how to explain. The ball comes to me and I can't do nothing but this. “是的,是个手球,但比赛就是这样,”他说。“我不知该怎么说。球朝我而来,除此之外我别无他法。”
Yes, ma ' am, you ' re like a little guardian angel sent to watch over all those people walking by. “是的,小姐,你像是一个小小保护神,被派遣到这里来守护所有从这里走过的人们。”
Yes, not usually a guy who makes you hit the ball (has a no-hitter going),Torre said. Normally the strikeout guys have a better chance at a no-hitter. 是的,这对他来说很不寻常。托瑞说:通常三振型的投手比较有机会投出无安打比赛。
Yes, of course.answers the waiter, Do you like some mustard on it? “当然有。”服务生回答,“需要在鱼上放些芥末吗?”
Yes, old chap, I was going to marry the countess. It's true, but it's all off now. “是的,老伙计,我曾打算和那位伯爵夫人结婚,真的,但是那都是过去的事了。”
Yes, really,said Eddy. You're big like me.Jeffery took his head out of his hands. Oh, hi,said Jeffery shyly. My name is Jeffery. “是真的。”埃迪说,“你和我一样大。”杰弗瑞把头从手里伸出来。“哦,你好,”杰弗瑞害羞的说,“我叫杰弗瑞。”

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