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Also on your days of rejoicing and at your appointed feasts and at the beginnings of your months, you shall blow the trumpets over your burnt offerings and over the sacrifices of your peace offerings; and they shall be a reminder on your behalf before you

Also on board was the European Space Agency's Christer Fuglesang, who becomes the first Swede in space. 另外一位是欧洲航天局航员克里斯特·富格莱桑,他是瑞典“飞天”第一人。
Also on display are two Red Flag brand limousines that Deng used to ride in for special occasions. 同时展出的还有两辆红旗牌轿车,它们是邓小平乘坐过的检阅车。
Also on the first day, European planemaker Airbus got some good news. 欧洲飞机制造商空客在航展的第一天就有喜讯传来。
Also on the show will be Jose Mourinho's press conference held today, Joe Cole, Claude Makelele and Lassana Diarra, and a theme of machine gun water pistols filled with milk shake courtesy of Bill Blood. 节目内容还包括何塞.穆里尼奥今天的记者招待会,还有乔.科尔、克莱德.马克莱莱和{拉萨纳.迪亚拉,以充满奶昔的机关水枪去好好招待“铁血比尔”。
Also on the terminal was a pier for tourist coming from the sea. 跑道末端更有邮轮码头,方便游客。
Also on your days of rejoicing and at your appointed feasts and at the beginnings of your months, you shall blow the trumpets over your burnt offerings and over the sacrifices of your peace offerings; and they shall be a reminder on your behalf before you 10在你们欢乐的日子和所定的节期,并月朔,你们献燔祭和平安祭的时候,也要吹号;这都要在你们的神面前作为记念;我是耶和华你们的神。
Also on your skirts is found The lifeblood of the innocent poor. You did not find them breaking in, But killed them because of all these things. 34并且你的衣襟上有无辜穷人的血;你杀他们,并不是遇见他们挖洞入屋,乃是因这一切的事。
Also on-site are Seattle Center Monorail, Fun Forest Amusement Park, Pacific Science Center, The Children's Museum, the Seattle Repertory Theatre, Seattle Center Opera House, Key Arena, and more. 还有单轨电车、公园、太平洋科学中心、儿童博物馆、西雅图戏院、西雅图歌剧院、钥匙竞技场,以及其他。
Also once, Tom and her female Schoolmate - Bei Qi participates in the school the traveling picnic, has become lost in the cave, but Tom maintains calm, utilizes his quick-witted, as well as in his pocket the kite line help, had found the outlet finally. 又有一次,汤姆和她的女同学─贝琪参加学校的旅游野餐,在山洞里迷路了,但汤姆保持冷静,运用他的机智,以及他口袋内风筝线帮忙,终于找到了出路。
Also one of the weightiest arguments against extremist pure-blood elitism is that inbreeding could lead to heaps of other less fortunate genetic results, but that is outside the scope of this essay. 另外一个反对纯血统至上主义的最重要论据是,近亲繁殖可能导致其他不那么理想的基因结果,但那已经超出了本文的讨论范围。
Also out of the midst thereof came the likeness of four living creatures. And this was their appearance; they had the likeness of a man. 结1:5又从其中、显出四个活物的形像来、他们的形状是这样、有人的形像。

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