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You know, if you are always in the constant state without any ripple, you will be fed up with it.

You know, blandishment ceaselessly can't be done by everyone. 要知道,时刻地讨好,谁也做不到。
You know, finding a job is not something very easy nowadays, especially for women. 要知道,如今,找工作并不是件很容易的事,尤其是对女性而言。
You know, from a comedy you can get so many interesting funny elements that can be used as a means to relieve your stress. 你知道,从喜剧里你可以获得很多有趣的搞笑元素,可以当成是缓解压力的良好方式。
You know, going to work and pretending to be someone's not even parent but their stepparent. 你知道,要扮作某人的母亲,甚至不是亲生母亲,而是继母。
You know, he's got this great sense of humor and he loves meeting people. He's very sociable. 你知道,他是很幽默的人。他很愿意与人打交道。他很好相处。
You know, if you are always in the constant state without any ripple, you will be fed up with it. 你知道,如果你老是处于一种没有涟漪的永恒状态,就会感觉厌倦的。
You know, in our school our education treats boys and girls equally. 要知道在我们学校,男女受教育的权利的平等的。
You know, in some European countries elementary school and middle school are all free of charge. 你知道,在一些西方国家上小学、中学都是免费的。
You know, in some places, say, Changzhou, even some small children learn some form of Kung Fu. 在很多地方,比如说沧州,甚至连几岁的小孩也会个一招半式。
You know, it hung over my crib, too. 要知道,我的小床上也曾挂过它。
You know, it is very hot in summer and cold in winter. And the weather is changeable in spring. 你知道,夏天太热,冬天太冷,而春天天气则变化无常。

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