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How did you happen to develop an interest in French poetry?

How did you get the book, Jo? 你是怎么弄到这本书的?
How did you get to where you are today, and how do you practice in order to stay at such a high level of play? 你是如何得到现在的成就的,你如何训练才能保持现在这样一个高水平?
How did you go there? I went by train. 14你怎样去那里的?我乘火车去的。
How did you guess? Yes, I've been trying to get him to join for months. I know he's got a good voice and he's a tenor. 你是怎样猜到的?对,没有错。我一直试了好几个月叫他参加。我知道他有一副很好的嗓子,还是个男高音。
How did you handle the situation? 在这情况,您怎麽处理呢?
How did you happen to develop an interest in French poetry? 你怎么偏偏对法国诗歌感兴趣?
How did you hear about us? 你如何知道我们的?
How did you know I was behind you? You must have eyes in the back of your head. 你怎么知道我在你後边?你脑袋後面准是长眼睛了吧。
How did you know I was here? You must be psychic. 你怎麽知道我在这里?你一定是通灵的?
How did you know it wasn't? 你怎么知道它不是呢?
How did you know that I am/ was Max? 你怎么知道我是马克斯?

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