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Case 2, a 17-year-old female, suffered from exophthalmos and globe displacement in right eye.

Cascarellian, not gibing a damn about the philosophical issues, but happy to oblige his Emperor, sent Kreiger out to kill the political troublemaker. 卡斯卡利安非但没有对此表示异意,还满心欢喜地建议国王派克里奇去杀掉这个惹麻烦的政客。
Case 1 is a 63-year-old male patient who was diagnosed to have peptic ulcer by endoscopic examination in 1988. 病例一是位六十三岁男性病人,于民国七十七年经内视镜检查诊断为消化性溃疡。
Case 1, a 33-year-old female, developed optic neuropathy and oculomotor palsy in left eye. 本篇报告两个表现较为特殊的恶性横纹肌肉瘤的病例。
Case 10 57 year old female presents to the physician's office complaining of a subcutaneous firm nodule at her left thigh. FNA is performed. 57岁女性,软骨肉瘤病史。现主诉左大腿皮下一硬结节,行针吸活检。
Case 2 is a 72-year-old female patient who was diagnosed to have gastric ulcer by panendoscopic examination in 1992. 病例二是位七十二岁女性病人,于民国八十一年经由内视镜检查诊断为胃溃疡。
Case 2, a 17-year-old female, suffered from exophthalmos and globe displacement in right eye. 两者均接受了手术切除、化学治疗及放射线治疗,现情况良好,无复发迹象。
Case Discussion II : Who Is He ? 1案例讨论(二):他是谁?
Case Discussion and IT Scenario Planning: Observing the Crystal Ball. 6案例讨论和信息技术场景规划:〈观察水晶球〉。
Case Report(s): A 31-year-old female, gravida 2 para 1, came to the hospital at 38 weeks and 6 days of gestation. 病例报告:一位三十一岁女性之前并没有显著病史及家族史,怀孕中并无使用药物,且产前检查均正常。
Case Study: The End of Suburbia? 20案例学习:郊区的终结?
Case accessories are the key basic parts of mining machines. 摘要箱体零件是矿井机械中重要的基础零件。

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