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The managerial services, such as safety, sanitation, civilized production as well as the training of employees can be offered to those productive enterprises which have registered in the zone for the aim of obtaining ideal productive environment.

The manager's arrival galvanized the workers into activity. 经理一来, 工人闻风而动.
The manager's going to dine with us tonight. 今晚经理要和我们一起吃饭。
The manager's intention for the aggrandizement of his own department at the expense of other departments was obvious. 经理想以牺牲别的部门来强化自己部门的意图显而易见。
The manager's obsequious assistant annoyed the other employees in the department. 谄媚的经理助手惹恼了部门内的其他职员。
The manager's relationship with his captain Venables had reached breaking point and he replaced the future England coach's clever passing with the dribbling ability of a young Scot named Charlie Cooke. 这期间主教练与球队队长维纳布尔斯的关系破裂,不久,多赫迪出任英格兰队教练,离开了切尔西,而球队也出现了一张新面孔,这就是苏格兰人查理库克。
The managerial services, such as safety, sanitation, civilized production as well as the training of employees can be offered to those productive enterprises which have registered in the zone for the aim of obtaining ideal productive environment. 对办在园区内的生产型企业,在安全卫生、文明生产、职工培训等方面,也实行全面管理服务,确保企业有个良好的生产环境。
The managerment baes is widened and reinforced through the inclusion of non family-owner members .A foreign subsidiary is founded in Argentina. 1996年:管理基础不断拓宽,一个外国子公司在阿根廷建立。
The managers converse about policy frequently. 经理们常常讨论公司的政策和制度。
The managers got themselves into a negative spiral. 但这家铝箔公司的经理人让自己陷入一个恶性循环中。
The managers of a currency under upward pressure can always drive it down, by printing money, but only if they are also prepared to lose domestic monetary control in the process. 面临升值压力的货币当局总是可以通过开动印钞机来减压,但它们必须对失去对国内货币的控制做好准备。
The managers want to pit the champion against John. 经理人想让冠军与约翰比赛。

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