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I read the book half for pleasure.

I read of Sir Laurence Oliver, the great star's death in the Times last week. 从上星期—的泰晤士报上我得知巨星劳伦斯奥立佛的死。
I read of a man who stood to speakAt the funeral of a friend.He referred to the dates on her tombstoneFrom the beginning...to the end.He noted that first came her date of birthAnd spoke the following date with tears,But he said what mattered most of allWa 我读到一个人在他朋友葬礼上的致辞他提到她墓碑上的日子从开始……到结束他先提到她的出生然后含着泪,说起她去世的日子但他说,最重要的是这两个日期之间的破折号因为这个破折号代表了她在人世活过的所有时间如今,只有爱她的人才了解这小小的横线的价值因为我们拥有多少,并不重要——汽车、房子、金钱重要的是,我们如何生活、如何去爱以及如何度过我们的这根横线那么,好好想一想,细细想一想有什么你想要去改变?
I read of it in a magazine. 我是从杂志上读到这件事的。
I read the advertisement you put on the Morning Post the other day. It offered a job opening for a secretarial position in your company. Is it still available? 我从前几天的晨报上得知贵公司有一秘书职位空缺,现在这个位置还空着吗?
I read the article through and through till bedtime. 我从头到尾读了这篇文章直到睡觉的时候。
I read the book half for pleasure. 我读此书一半是为了消遣。
I read the book three times from beginning to end . 这本书我从头到尾读了三遍。
I read the book three times from soup to nuts. 这本书我从头到尾读了三遍。
I read the book without a skip. 我从头至尾阅读了那本书。
I read the entire book in a day. 我第一天内就把整本书看完了。
I read the newspaper over breakfast. 我边吃早饭边看报纸。

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