Quadrat launches the first exclusive interior design collection of more than 20 different products in anodised aluminium. Quadrat.
推出首批超过20于种氧级氧化铝高级室内装饰产品。 |
Quadratic approximations in two dimensions.
二维中的二次逼近法。 |
Quaere brother Taidao : Is heavy Jian Chinese name or foreign name?What does it mean?Thanks.Because only what I know is the definition of foreign heavy Jian.
请问太刀兄弟:重剑是中国还是外国的品种称呼?其定义为何?谢谢。因为我只知道外国重剑的定义。 |
Quaere that what does the other copper fitting on this scabbard look,and please post the pics and see whether it matches well or not.
请问这剑的鞘上的其他铜装具该是什么样子,请方家贴图上来看能否相配。 |
Quagliarella joined Samp last summer from Ascoli, although his sporting rights are co-owned by both the Genoa club and Udinese.
夸雷亚雷拉去年夏天从阿斯克利来到桑普多利亚,而他的所有权是西耶那和乌迪内斯所共有的。 |
Quail eggs are very high in cholesterol. However, quail eggs contain higher protein and mineral than eggs. Quail eggs are considered a good source of supplementary diet.
鹌鹑蛋胆固醇含量高,不宜多吃。不过,鹌鹑蛋比鸡蛋含更丰富蛋白质和矿物元素,更具营养价值,适量食用,能更有效补充身体营养需要。 |
Quaint dialect words.
古怪的方言单词 |
Quaity is important , of course, but if your terms compare favourably with those of other suppliers, I have good reason to believe that we could place regular orders on you.
当然,质量是重要的,可是如果贵公司的条件与其他供货人的条件相比更有利的话,我有理由相信我们会不断向你们公司订货。 |
Quake damage to roads crippled access to the town of Pisco and other port cities along Peru's central coast.
公路被地震损坏,难以前往皮斯科和秘鲁中部其他海港城镇。 |
Quake preparedness is a vital issue for Japan, which is one of the world's most seismically active areas and accounts for 20 percent of the world's earthquakes of magnitude 6 or greater.
为地震做好准备,对日本而言是极其重要的议题,日本是全世界地震最活跃的区域之一,在全球发生的规模六或以上的地震中,日本占了20%。 |
Quakers strongly oppose violence and war.
教友派信徒们强烈反对暴力和战争。 |