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He eloped with his devoted person.

He eked out his wages by working evenings and Sundays. 他在夜间和星期日工作以补贴工资的不足。
He elbowed his way through the crowd towards the rostrum. 他用肘推着从人群中向讲坛挤过去。
He elbowed his way through the crowd. 他在人群中挤出一条路。
He elbowed me out of the way. 他用肘部把我挤到一边.
He elected to become a doctor. 他决定当医生。
He eloped with his devoted person. 他和他心爱的人私奔了。
He eloped with one of his students. 他和他的学生私奔了.
He eloquently stated that, at times, he feels like a muggle, an outsider, who is not quite immersed in the same culture of design compared to those who had a formal design/art education. 他善辨的陈述,有时,比起那些有设计模式教育的,他就像一个无赖,一个无希望取胜者,一个不是非常沉浸在同样的设计文化。
He embarked on a new enterprise. 他着手创办新企业。
He embellished his account with fictional details. 他以种种虚构的细节来渲染他的叙述。
He embodied the American spirit of optimistic materialism. 他体现了美国人乐观的实利主义精神。

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