Results of the practical testing showed that the new method was effective and could enhance the testing veracity of the instrument with a very low cost.
实际测试及现场应用表明,该滤波方法可有效滤除冲击噪声干扰,提高仪器检测结果的准确度,对系统影响小,使用方便。 |
Results of the study indicate that there are five major types of college working stress-working pledge, teaching pledge, relationship, working load and working interest.
结果显示,大学教师的工作压力主要类型为包括工作保障压力、教学保障压力、人际关系压力、工作负荷压力和工作无乐趣压力。 |
Results of the study, published in the February issue of the journal Pediatrics, may enable early identification of children who are at risk for poor neuro-developmental outcome after brain injury as newborns and thus target those children for early thera
刊登在二月份《儿科杂志》期刊上的这一结果,可能会帮助鉴定那些新生儿期脑损伤的儿童神经发育迟缓,并针对那些儿童进行对症治疗。 |
Results of the three kinds of activities accrue after death, leading to hellish planets, leading to heavenly spheres and to the human worlds inbetween for those desiring the results of action; but never at anytime for the renounciate.
这三种行为活动的结果,在人死后会使人或是坠入地狱,或是升入天界,追求利益行为结果的人托生在人界,但是却永远也不会发生在解脱了的人身上。 |
Results of this study indicated that there were high correlations between the MSRT scores and assembly scores of the Purdue Pegboard Manual Test (PPMT) among schizophrenic subjects.
(2)电子组合组病患在普渡手功能测验之组合分项成绩与其电子组合生産量,在统计上显着相关,而空间关系测验得分与电子组合生産量没有相关。 |
Results oriented means nothing at all to me, while hard working means a lot.
对我而言,以业绩为导向根本没有意义,而努力工作则意味着很多东西。 |
Results returned to the user.
结果返回给用户。 |
Results revealed that three job functions (production and marketing consultation, problem-solving intervention, and needs assessment advocacy) and three competency domains (self-development, education and training, and resource management) are considered
以站在农业资讯传递第一线的农业推广人员为例,若能掌握与农民沟通的各种专业能力,将有利于拓展农业推广工作,加速农业的发展与农村的繁荣。 |
Results show Artemisia's survival rate of manual plant were higher than machine plant and the speed of vegetation restoration in two experimental areas were quicker than CK.
试验研究表明:人工移栽的差巴嘎蒿的成活率明显高于机械移栽的成活率。 |
Results show a notable regional disparity in productivity-oriented investment of peasant household in agriculture; rural public utilities especially rural road, communication and water public utilities, land scale and income level of peasant household has
结果表明:农户农业生产性投资存在显著地区差异;农村道路、通讯、水利等公共事业发展,农户耕地规模,农户投资能力等对农户的农业生产性投资有显著影响;分析期间,农村道路、水利事业的发展对东部地区农户农业生产性投资存在显著影响,农村水利、通讯事业的发展对中部地区农户农业生产性投资存在显著影响,农村通讯事业的发展对西部地区农户农业生产性投资存在显著影响。 |
Results show a realizable model for Innovation Support System (ISS) and implement the core system.
结果提出了一个可全面支持创新支持系统(ISS)模型,并实现了系统的核心功能。 |