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It may be the result of the normal process of senescence, lack of key minerals for chlorophyll synthesis (particularly iron and magnesium), or disease.

It may be that in time we shall become used to change as in our older wisdom we had become used to the unchanging. 也许,随着时间的推移,我们会慢慢习惯于变革,就像在此以前,我们的思想状态使我们习惯于停滞不变一样。
It may be that such humans gifted at Evolution in Action assert themselves at such a time to allow the group to ascend to the necessary vibration and energy pattern to move through the photon belt without combusting. 可能正是这些擅长于行动进化者,将保证在这一时刻让群体提升到必要的振动和能量模式后穿越光子带,却并不燃烧。
It may be that the LORD will look on mine affliction, and that the LORD will requite me good for his cursing this day. 12或者耶和华见我遭难,为我今日被这人咒骂,就施恩与我。
It may be that they expect strong earnings in the future. 或许是他们期望未来会获得丰厚收益。
It may be the only art form that remains legal and yet savoured by people across every social stratum. 这可能是唯一的仍然为社会各阶层的人所品尝的正当的艺术形式。
It may be the result of the normal process of senescence, lack of key minerals for chlorophyll synthesis (particularly iron and magnesium), or disease. 是由于缺少一些关键的矿质元素特别是镁或铁而引起的的疾病。
It may be time to consider policy innovations for television and film subsidies. 现在也许应该好好想想,有何补助电视与电影的新政策。
It may be time to let your suitors fight over you while you sit back relax and enjoy the moment. 如果你停下来享受休息一刻的话,你的伴侣会跟你急的。
It may be time to make a commitment that will alter your life. 是时间做出一个可以改变你生活的承诺了。
It may be time to put away the Hummer catalogue and to start looking at the price of ultra-economy cars. 也许我们现在应先打消购买悍马的念头,考虑一下那些经济型的汽车了。
It may be unicellular, as in simple algae and fungi, or multicellular, as in plants. 可以是单细胞,如在原始的藻类、真菌中;或者为多细胞,如在植物中。

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