In 1940, in German-occupied Poland, the Nazis opened their concentration camp at Auschwitz.
1940年,在被德军占领的波兰,纳粹分子在奥斯威辛开辟了集中营。 |
In 1940, the first 75,000 men were called to armed forces duty under peacetime conscription.
1940年,和平时期第一次征招75000人作为履行海陆空军的义务。 |
In 1940,when President Roosevelt won his second reelection, the Chinese government asked Zhang Shuqi,a famous traditional Chinese painter,to draw A Picture of one Hundred Pigeons as a gift.Jiang Jieshi wrote an inscription on the painting.
1940年,罗斯福总统荣获三届连任,中国政府委托著名国画家张书旂绘制巨作《百鸽图》赠送罗斯大林福总统,蒋介石也在画上题词祝贺。 |
In 1941 it defeated the Yugoslav and Greek armies which had the fighting spirit but not the needed weapons for mobile warfare.
1941年击败南斯拉夫和希腊军队。他们虽然有战斗精神但是缺乏机动作战需要的武器。 |
In 1941, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill arrived in Washington for a wartime conference with President Roosevelt.
1941年,英国首相邱吉尔抵达华盛顿,与罗斯福总统会晤,讨论战事。 |
In 1941, Germany and Italy declared war on the United States; the US responded in kind.
1941年,德国和意大利对美国宣战,美国同样对对方宣战。 |
In 1941, President Roosevelt was faced with a puzzle: How could the U.S. help Great Britain with its efforts in World War II without violating the United States' official position of neutrality?
西元1941年,罗斯福总统面对了一个大问题:美国该如何在第二次世界大战期间帮助英国,但又不会违背美国中立的立场呢? |
In 1942, President Roosevelt created the Office of War Information, and appointed radio news commentator Elmer Davis to be its head.
1942年,罗斯福总统成立了作战新闻处,任命广播新闻评论家艾莫尔·戴维斯作为负责人。 |
In 1942, US bombers struck the Italian mainland for the first time in World War Two.
1942年,二战期间美国轰炸机第一次袭击意大利大陆。 |
In 1942, during World War Two, Britain launched a major offensive against Axis forces at El Alamein in Egypt.
1942年的今天,二战期间英国军队对在埃及的艾尔阿拉曼轴心国军队发动进攻。 |
In 1942, the Alaska highway across Canada was formally opened.
1942年的今天,横穿加拿大的通往阿拉斯加的高速公路正式通车。 |