One of his studies is testing whether herbs such as skullcap, which showed promise in the lab, can help shrink breast tumors in patients with advanced disease who cannot be cured by conventional medicine.
的研究内容之一就是测试像黄岑属这种在实验室中已显示希望的草药,是否在实用中能够帮助晚期乳腺癌患者缩小乳房肿瘤,而常规医疗对这些病人早已无能为力。 |
One of his summer camp friends recalled, “He was never a nerd or a goof or the kind of kid you didn't want your team.
他的一位在夏令营的朋友回忆道,“他绝不会是个不足挂齿或无足轻重之人。 |
One of his trouser legs was torn.
他的一条裤腿被扯破了。 |
One of hostesses on tonight's show is Mary.
今晚的女主持之一是玛丽。 |
One of its best-known jobs is to administer college entrance tests.
这个组织有一个最著名的工作,那就是管理大学入学考试。 |
One of its contracts is a seven-year, $95m policy backing a foreign bank's structured-finance business in Brazil.
它有一份为期7年的合约,保额为950万美金,内容是承保一家外资银行在巴西的金融结构安排业务。 |
One of its general operating principles is that it knows that it not only takes precision craftsmanship to produce top notch products and that is why we've invested more than generously in our R&D center with well experienced and trained professional in t
时兴家俱深知精细的工艺技术才能生产出高品质的产品,这也是为何我们要大量投资,广纳经验丰富的专业人才进行产品设计和优秀的工程队伍来带领我们在家俱这片领域上遥遥领先的原因。 |
One of its great strengths is the diversity of its political, economic and cultural life.
美国的重要特点之一就在于其政治、经济和文化生活的多样性。 |
One of its more formal uses is during a State Visit when guests are presented to The Queen, The Duke of Edinburgh and the visiting Head of State or for receptions.
它的一个比较正式用途是进行国事访问时,向客人介绍给女王,爱丁堡公爵和来访的国家元首或接待客人. |
One of its outstanding problems lies in the weak marketization disposition in the collective forest land, so its reform should not briefly be divided into family manage, share cooperation or other types of operation to choose collective mountain forest Th
集体林地使用制度的突出问题之一在于弱市场化配置,因此集体林地使用制度改革不应简单地在集体山林的分户经营、股份合作制或其他经营方式之间进行选择,改革的主要目标之一是构建有利于市场机制充分发挥作用、提高集体林地资源配置效率的制度。 |
One of key techniques is to add a special little weaving beam on JAT610-280 dobby to solve the tention difference between the fancy warp ends and ground warp ends, the other is to well match multi-weave and popular color of the fabric.
研发中的关键技术一是织物的多组织配合和流行色搭配,二是改造JAT610-280型多臂织机,加装一个特殊的小织轴,解决了花经和地经张力差异太大的问题。 |