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However, the detection rate of fibrinogen increased with the decreasing concentrations of chloromycetin, gentamycin sulfate and ciprofloxacin lactate, but decreased with the decreasing concentration of cefoperazone sodium.

However, the defense system can be weakened if the attackers manage to seize the other baronies first. 然而,如果攻击者首先围攻了其他的男爵领地,那么防御系统就可能会弱化。
However, the deficiencies of the system cause the ineffective function of the domestic trade association, which was reflected clearly in the 2005 textile trade dispute. 然面,制度上的障碍造成我国行业协会功能缺失,2005年纺织品贸易争端的爆发即突出反映出这一问题。
However, the definition of female androgen deficiency, as recently provided by the Princeton consensus statement, is not precise enough and may lead to over-diagnosis due to the high prevalence of its diagnostic criteria: androgen levels below or within t 可是,妇女雄激素缺乏的定义并不足够精确,而且它通用的诊断标准(雄激素水平低于或等于正常范围的低限,且并发性功能障碍)可能会导致过度诊断。
However, the definition of female androgen deficiency, as recently provided by the Princeton consensus statement, is not precise enough and may lead to over-diagnosis due to the high prevalence of its diagnostic criteria: androgen levels below or within t 可是,妇女雄激素缺乏的定义并不足够精确,而且它通用的诊断标准(雄激素水平低于或等于正常范围的低限,且并发性功能障碍)可能会导致过度诊断。
However, the delayed acceptance did not slow us down as the funding was in place to make it happen and the team continued to work relentlessly to our aim. 不过虽然批准来得有点晚,但并没有耽误我们的工作,因为资金已经到位,一切就绪,而且车队一直在向着我们的目标努力。
However, the detection rate of fibrinogen increased with the decreasing concentrations of chloromycetin, gentamycin sulfate and ciprofloxacin lactate, but decreased with the decreasing concentration of cefoperazone sodium. 随着氯霉素、硫酸庆大霉素、乳酸环丙沙星浓度降低,血浆中纤维蛋白检出率升高;随着头孢哌酮钠浓度降低,血浆中纤维蛋白原检出率亦降低。
However, the diagnosis of primary esophageal melanoma always should be kept in mind despite of its rarity. 但是原发性食道黑色素瘤总是需要纳入鉴别诊断虽然它是很罕见的。
However, the differences between their theories are materialized in the following two aspects: first, Marx places emphasis on the unfair status of people at the present time while Rawls is inclined to the future; secondly, Rawls points out that equality s 马克思与罗尔斯平等原则的差异性主要体现在两个方面,一是马克思关注的是当下人的不平等状况而罗尔斯的平等原则却是倾向于未来的,二是罗尔斯认为人们的平等应是权利层面的平等而马克思认为的平等则是法律面前的平等。
However, the different situations in the seasand different requirements for social-economic developments among various countries make it impossible to follow a constant model in practicing the Law of the Sea. 但是,由于各国的“海情”有异,经济与社会发展的要求不同,在海洋法实践中遵循一个固定不变的模套是不可能的。
However, the dissonant nature of the high level of electricity within them is too dissonant for the magnetic nature of the Great Central Sun. 在当前的表达形态中,有人几乎已和灰人与爬虫一样电化了。
However, the distortion was not a part of the original blueprint for this creation. 然而,扭曲并不是此创造物原始蓝图的一部分。

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