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There was a chill in the air this morning.

There was a certain coldness in her attitude toward me. 她对我的态度有一点冷淡。
There was a certain coldness in her attitude towards me. 她对我的态度有点儿冷淡.
There was a change between Chelsea last year and Chelsea this season. 今年的切尔西和去年已经不同了。
There was a cheque clipped to the back of the letter. 在信背面夹著一张支票.
There was a cheque clipped to the back of the letter. 有一张支票夹在信的后面。
There was a chill in the air this morning. 今天早上有点冷冰冰的。
There was a clash of wills among committee members. 委员们意愿不一, 发生了冲突.
There was a coating of slime on the unwashed sink. 未刷洗的水槽上有一层污垢.
There was a cold snap after Christmas. 圣诞节後出现一段寒冷天气.
There was a collection lf laws set up to unify legal practices in Babylonia. 在巴比伦尼亚,有一部用细体铅字印制的,系统的,外科法律。
There was a collusion between the two witnesses. 那两个证人之间有所串通。

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