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The PLA mingling with the civilians in the vicinity of the cantonment was suggestive of similar mobilisations seen during the French, Russian, and Chinese revolutions -- the people in arms.

The PLA is composed of all the arms and services. 解放军由各军兵种组成。
The PLA is ready to crash attempts to lit the country. 解放军已严阵以待,粉碎任何分裂祖国的图谋。
The PLA is ready to crash attempts to split the country. 解放军已严阵以待,粉碎任何分裂祖国的图谋。
The PLA knows its weaknesses. 解放军知道自己的弱点。
The PLA men are the most respectable ! 解放军叔叔是最可爱的人!
The PLA mingling with the civilians in the vicinity of the cantonment was suggestive of similar mobilisations seen during the French, Russian, and Chinese revolutions -- the people in arms. 平民和士兵混合驻扎在一起,这很自然地让我们联想到法国革命,俄国革命与中国革命的群众动员,人民被武装起来了。
The PLA soldiers were called in to the flood -stricken area for an immediate rescue. 解放军战士被召集到水灾区进行紧急救援。
The PLA's reserve force, established in 1983, is a force with its own preset organizational structure, with reserve personnel as the base and active personnel as the backbone. 人民解放军预备役部队组建于1983年,是以现役军人为骨干、预备役人员为基础,按规定的体制编制组成的部队。
The PM is a keen guitarist and a former member of a band. 曾为一名乐队成员的布莱尔首相对弹吉他有浓厚的兴趣。
The PM55 type fire truck suits to kill the fire of in oil field﹑storehouse and fire brigade for big medium cities. PM55型消防车是石油化工企业、输油码头、机场以及大中城市专职消防队和企事业消防队必备车辆。
The PMTC China project manager shall, in very close cooperation with the Gefco PMTC China project manager, propose, implement, coordinate and manage the set-up of door-to-door logistics services for the flow of Peugeot 2 wheelers manufactured by the PMTC- 要与法国捷富凯标致摩托车中国项目经理良好合作,确保标致摩托车(济南轻骑)生产的两轮摩托能够通门到门的物流服务从济南发往欧洲各销售地。

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