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Robert: Hugh, I can't sleep.

Robert's projectile motion has greatly changed. Jump CD also changed. 罗伯特的飞行道具有很大变化。跳CD也变了。
Robert's very talkative and is the exact opposite of his brother. 罗伯特很健谈,与其弟弟大相径庭。
Robert, a dramatic late-night arrival. What can an old cripple do for you? 罗伯特,阁下突然深夜造访,老瘸子我有什么可以为您效劳的?
Robert, dressed in a red rain jacket, tights and climbing shoes, shimmied up ropes hung down the sides of the 101-story, 1,667-foot office tower, reaching the top in around four hours. 罗伯特穿着红色防雨外套、紧身衣裤和攀登鞋,借助办公大楼侧面垂下来的绳索爬上了1667英尺高、101层的大楼,历时约四小时。
Robert: My movies are not strictly comedy's, as I said earlier ... they are very Icelandic and in that sense we make bleak dark films with maybe comedy elements, and the comedy would be more dead-pan, an example would be the British comedy show The Office 罗勃特:“像我最近一部电影《这样的团队》,那就是冰岛的同性恋生活……跟其他北欧国家相似的生活状态,而且冰岛是很早进入这样情况的,我这部关于足同性恋足球运动员是在团队间受到了些不公平待遇的。”
Robert: Hugh, I can't sleep. 罗伯:阿修,我睡不着。
Robert: I don't think I'll ever need to sleep again. I feel wonderful. I feel like I'm floating on a cloud of Rita's cappuccino foam! 罗伯:我觉得我永远不需要再睡觉了。我感觉好棒。我感觉漫步在莉塔做的卡布其诺云端。
Robert: Main course, espresso. And for dessert, cappuccino. I love the way the foam trickles down my lip. 罗伯:先饱饮意大利浓缩,再浅尝卡布其诺。我爱死了奶泡流下嘴唇的感觉。
Robert: Thank you. Hey, do you know how espresso got its name? 罗伯:谢谢。你知道意大利浓缩这名字是怎么来的?
Robert: Who's that garrulous kid who kept talking throughout the class? 罗勃:上课的时候一直说话说不停的那个小孩是谁啊?
RobertH: Is V-Span still considering returning to Greece? 斯潘还在考虑回到希腊吗?

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