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Party B/Renter/Tenant is allowed to use building staircases and the south entrance elevator for their access to their leasing area.

Party B will pay the rental and the deposit on time. 乙方应按合同的规定按时支付租金及押金。
Party B will pay the rental before using the premises and attached facilities (In case Party B pays the rental in the form of remittance, the date of remitting will be the day of payment and the remittance fee will be borne by the remitter.) Party A will 如乙方逾期支付租金超过十天,则每天以月租金的0.5%支付滞纳金;如乙方逾期支付租金超过十五天,则视为乙方自动退租,构成违约,甲方有权收回房屋,并追究乙方违约责任。
Party B will pay the rental, the deposit and other expenses on time. 乙方应按合同的规定按时支付定金、租金及保证金。
Party B will prepare original capital verification reports, which will be used art Party A's discretion and the misuse of these report will have nothing to do with Party B. 乙方向甲方出具的验资报告一式份,这些报告由甲方分发、使用,使用不当的责任与乙方无关。
Party B will submit to Party A the actual retail prices of aforesaid articles in Hongkong and Japanese Markets for Party A's reference. 乙方应向甲方提交上述产品在日本和香港市场的实际零售价格,以供甲方参考。
Party B/Renter/Tenant is allowed to use building staircases and the south entrance elevator for their access to their leasing area. 七、乙方可以使用大楼步行楼梯,南门电梯作为进出租赁范围的通道。
Party B/Renter/Tenant is responsible for the management and the charges of cleaning, environment protection, security, fire precaution and the maintenance & servicing of E&M equipments and others building services facilities which belonged to the Party B/ 六、乙方应做好租赁房屋的维护保养工作,杜绝放置及使用一切危害楼宇安全的各类危险品,定期对租赁物业进行专项安全检查,同时配合甲方进行相关物业的安全检查,发现问题应立即整改。
Party Ethics is value philosophy about the legitimacy and operational standard of political parties. 摘要政党伦理是研究政党正当性及其操作规范和方法论的价值哲学。
Party ideologists accused her of deviation. 党内理论家谴责她背离了党的信条.
Party leaders for groups will have the ability to set the level with two different settings -- normal and hard. 团队领袖可以在普通和困难两种难度间进行选择。
Party leaders went around for months making horse trades to get support for their candidate. 政党领袖们数日以来四处奔走,讨价还价,以取得人们对该党候选人的支持。

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