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In learning English well, the study of this book is a must.

In law, you needn't to answer these problems. 在法律上,你没有义务回答这些问题。
In law-making, the weak should be given more rights and in judicature the weak should be given more protections. 就法治建设而论,国家在立法时应当更多地考虑予弱者以更多的权利配置,在司法时也应考虑保护弱者的原则得以更具体的贯彻。
In layer window unlink the mask and map. 在层面板下取消蒙版和地图的链接。
In layman's terms, SERENDIP could find the radio-wave equivalent of a powerful lighthouse beam anywhere along a foggy coast. 用外行的话说,SERENDIP可能发现的无线电波相当于雾茫茫的海岸上大功率灯塔的光芒。
In layman's terms, as a species, men are simply not as evolved as women. 用外行人的话来说,作为一个物种,男人就是没有女人进化。
In learning English well, the study of this book is a must. 要学好英语,这本书是不可不看的。
In learning a foreign language, question and answer drills are good disciplines. 学外语时,问答练习是很好的训练方法。
In learning a new language, a sound method of language teaching will be essential in class in order to achieve proficiency in all five skills-listening, speaking, reading, writing, and translation. 摘要欲学习一种新语言必须有一周详计划,然后才能达到语言听、说、读、写与译之目的。
In learning botany, I understand much about nature. 学习植物学使我对大自然了解了许多。
In learning foreign languages, the girls knock spots off the boys every time. 学习外语女孩总是比男孩强.
In learning pedagogical knowledge and theory, college teachers should not only target at solving practical problems in educational activities in classrooms, but at the improvement of pedagogical quality and ideas of their own. 摘要高校教师学习教育学知识及理论,不应仅着眼于解决教学活动中的现实问题,学习的根本意义在于提高自身的教育素质和教育境界。

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