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Not that you could read it on his face afterwards. Actually, you couldn't read anything on the face of the calm, composed youngster -- before, during or after his performance.

Not that the people are apathetic, for they are curious about everything. 不是人们缺乏兴趣,而是他们对一切都很好奇。
Not that there is any problem in keeping your interest. 并不是说你保持兴趣有任何的问题。
Not that there is nothing of enduring &#118alue in the arts I grew up learning - and liking, up to a point. 我并不是说,我在成长过程中所学习的艺术,没有一点恒久的价值,也没有我在某种程度上,所喜欢的东西。
Not that they took advantage of it. 他们没有好好利用这点。
Not that we want to make believe that we are madmen; we will go mad, though, in our own time and in our own way. 倒不是我们想要伪装疯狂,尽管在我们的时代,以我们的方式,我们迟早会疯狂。
Not that you could read it on his face afterwards. Actually, you couldn't read anything on the face of the calm, composed youngster -- before, during or after his performance. 不过你看不出王建民的表情有任何异样.事实上,在他投球之时,之前,以及之后你根本没办法从他那混合著沉著与稚气的脸庞上读取任何讯息.
Not that you shouldn't think about a new browser, but for now we'll continue to support the masses in the manner to which they've become accustomed. 你不需要考虑去换一个浏览器,但是你现在必须继续考虑去改变那些已经习惯了的浏览器显示错乱。
Not that you would ever need to know the dietary habits of the South American anteater, but it's comforting to know you could find it online if you did. 你也许永远没必要知道南美食蚁兽的饮食习惯,不过很高兴知道你如果想要的话,能在网上找到。
Not the answer you were expecting? 不是你所期望的答案?
Not the balls are in the USA. 在美国并不是所有的球都是圆的。
Not the best time to make a commitment to someone or to start up a new relationship. 狮子座:现在不是做出承诺或者开始一段新关系的最佳时刻。

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