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Biological function of Bifidobacterium retreatment on experimental salmonellosis in mice

The Optimization of the Enzyme Producing Condition and the Transformation Condition to Prepare Glucopyranosyl-L-ascorbid Acid 酶法合成葡萄糖基-L-抗坏血酸的产酶条件及转化条件优化
Construction and identification of expression vectors of human immunodeficiency virus type I envelope with V3 loop modification Ⅰ型人类免疫缺陷病毒包膜糖蛋白修饰体表达载体的构建及鉴定
The Relationship between Existence and Extinction of Natural Environment and Group of Biological Species 自然环境与生物种群的生灭关系
Cloning and function analysis of 5′ end flanking sequence of EOLA1 gene EOLA1基因5′侧翼区的克隆及调控功能初步研究
Multiple resistant genes identified in Aeromonas spp 气单胞菌中检出多种耐药基因
Biological function of Bifidobacterium retreatment on experimental salmonellosis in mice 两歧双歧杆菌对鼠伤寒感染小鼠模型的生物治疗作用
Erysiphales of the Chifeng Regions of NeiMongol: Microsphaera and Podosphaera 内蒙古赤峰地区的白粉菌Ⅳ——叉丝壳属和叉丝单囊壳属
Study on Characteristics of Succession of Vegetation in Salinized Abandoned-fields in the Lower Reaches of Shiyang River 石羊河下游盐碱化退耕地植被自然演替特征研究
Numerical study of thrust generation mechanism of heaving wings 翼沉浮运动推力来源的数值研究
Ultrasonography of Rhesus Monkey Fetus Development B超对恒河猴全妊娠过程的检测
Construction and Transformation of Expression Vector of ω~3-Fatty Acid Desaturase Gene’s Promoter ω~3-脂肪酸脱氢酶基因启动子表达载体的构建与转化

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