Hardware services: Giving advices on system configuration and hardware updating; diagnosing, pin-pointing and obviating hardware failures; repairing the repairable, giving advices on the replacement of the unrepairable; purchasing and installing new compo
硬件服务:系统配置建议;硬件升级建议;硬件故障诊断、定位、排除;可修复故障硬件的修复;不可修复故障硬件的更换建议及代购、安装。 |
Hardware to identify this way includes CPUs, disk/tape devices, CRTs, printers, and signal converters.
对硬件的鉴定应该包括CPU、磁盘/磁带设备、显示器、打印机和信号转换器。 |
Hardware validation data and protocols should be kept at the drug manufacturer's facility.
硬件的验证数据和文档应该保存在制药商的工厂。 |
Hardware, Driver test or install (CPU, RAM, Cards, Disks, etc.) and update CD/DVD-ROM firmware.
硬体、驱动程式检测安装(中央处理器、记忆体、介面卡、磁碟机等)与光碟机韧体更新。 |
Hardware-based technology designed to enforce copy protection restrictions through built-in mechanisms in storage media that would prevent unauthorized file copying.
一种基于硬件的技术,通过一种内置的机制加强对存储介质的拷贝限制,以防止非法的文件拷贝。 |
Hardwood: have you received any kind of feedback from anyone who credits your character with helping them to come out?
你有没有收到过任何感谢你出演的角色对他们出柜起到帮助的影迷来信? |
Hardworking and able to work under pressure.
勤奋且能在压力下工作。 |
Hardworking and sincere contrbution by SUNUP personal, favour and support from domestic and overseas enterprise group make SUNUP becoming famous brand in chinese heartand permanent service nearby consumer's side.
三普人的辛勤耕耘与真诚奉献以及中国企业界的青睐与支持,正使“三普”真正成为“中国人心中的名牌,用户身边永久的服务”。 |
Hardy's weakne derived from his a arent inability to control the comings and goings of these divergent impulses and from his unwillingne to cultivate and sustain the energetic and risky ones.
哈代的缺陷一方面缘起于他的某种明显的无能,无法控制好那结不尽相同的创作冲动的穿梭往来;另一方面缘起于他不愿意去培养和维持那些富于生机活力和风险性强的创作冲动。 |
Hardy's weakness derived from his apparent inability to control the comings and goings of these divergent impulses and from his unwillingness to cultivate and sustain the energetic and risky ones.
另一方面缘起于他不愿意去培养和维持那些富于生机活力和风险性强的创作冲动。 |
Hares and Rabbits - One who enjoys a peaceable and retired life.
野兔-钟爱深居简出式生活的人。 |