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Lian said, You don't have to go to so much trouble for a relative. It's not like I was an imperial official or something.

Liam, Megan and Holly carry on playing. Then the football hits Megan on her head. It hurts. 莱姆,麦根和霍莉继续做游戏。过了一会儿足球又飞了过来,这回落到了麦根的头上,把麦根砸疼了。
Liam, Megan and Holly go outside too. “Let's play tag.” Says Liam. “Who'll be it? 莱姆,麦根和霍莉也到外面来玩。“我们玩捉人游戏吧。”莱姆建议,“谁先跑呢?”
Lian Aiqin , who graduated from Guangzhou Teachers' College, is a senior teacher teaching high school English for many years. 连爱勤,毕业于广州师范学院,中学高级教师,多年从事高中英语科教学。
Lian Chang Paper Print limited company found in 1992 year, appear personnel have 500 many people, there is rich microscopist, company occupy area 25000 sq.m., brand-new import Overseas advanced mechanical equipment, a year throughput reach 35,000,000 yuan 联昌纸品印刷有限公司创建于一九九二年,现员工有五百多人,有雄厚的技术人员,公司占地面积25000平方米,全新引进国外先进的机械设备。
Lian Po feels ashamed of himself. 廉颇感到十分惭愧。
Lian said, You don't have to go to so much trouble for a relative. It's not like I was an imperial official or something. 连玉成说道,“您不用为了一个亲戚这么麻烦。我又不是什么钦差大臣之类的大人物。”
Lian: A bit of both. We have a tea plantation. 丽安:二者兼而有之吧,我们经营一个茶叶种植园。
Lian: And now. I think we'd better see the rest of the exhibition. 丽安:现在我想我们该去看看其它的展台了。
Lian: But you will! White tea has double the benefits of green tea. 丽安:真的吗?白茶的营养价值比绿茶高两倍呢。
Lian: I see, from your map that you also distribute in New Zealand. 丽安:噢,从展示图上看你们的公司在新西兰也有客户啊。
Lian: Well, we specialise in white teas. It's a growing market. 丽安:嗯,我们经营的是“白茶”,这种茶的市场正在逐步扩大。

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