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Lin, Yi-Mien, Yun-Sheng Hsu and Woody M. Liao, 2005, “Dividend Policy and Accounting-Based Valuation”. (SSRN eLibrary adopted.

Lin, Holin. 1995. Ethnicity and Gender in Postwar Taiwan: An Analysis of Stratification and Life Chances. Ph.D. Dissertation, Department of Sociology, University of California,Davis. 林忠正、林鹤玲1993〈台湾地区各族群的经济差异〉,收录于张茂桂等著之《族群关系与国家认同》,页101-160,台北:业强出版。
Lin, Ji-Ping . 2001. Labor Migration in Taiwan as A Gendered Process: Do Migrants Earn More than Non-migrants?,paper presented in the Annual Conference of Taiwanese Population Association, National Taiwan University. 论文发表于台北大学「第五届经济发展学术研讨会」及中正大学「外籍劳工、经济发展、和劳动市场变化」学术会议。
Lin, K.W., Keeton, J.T. (1999/1). Interactions of alginate, carrageenan and myofibrillar proteins in an emulsion model system during thermal treatment. Food Sci., Vol. 26, No. 4, p.p.423-430. 林国维,庄启祥(1999/1)。原料肉经浸渍液处理对低脂中式香肠理化及贮藏寿命的影响。食品科学,第26卷,第6期,页583-595。
Lin, S. J. &Su, Brenda S. C. (2003). Do ESP College students Still Need English Remedial Instruction Studies in English Language and Literature . 9 : 39-55. 苏淑贞、林秀芝(民93)。科技校院学生英语发音「补救教学」需求探讨。技术及职业教育双月刊,79,2-7。教育部技术及职业教育司。
Lin, S. W. and J. H. Yang. 1995. Biology Teachers‘ Knowledge Base of Instructional Representations. Paper presented at Annual Meeting of National Association for Research in Science Teaching, San Francisco,USA. 杨荣祥.1996.大学数理研究所硕士班考生学力调查研究报告,国立台湾师範大学科学教育中心.
Lin, Yi-Mien, Yun-Sheng Hsu and Woody M. Liao, 2005, “Dividend Policy and Accounting-Based Valuation”. (SSRN eLibrary adopted. 许永声、王泰昌,民国94年,盈馀管理行为与会计资讯的评价能力,2005年现代会计论坛,中兴大学会计研究所主办。
Lin,P.and Fu,Q, 2000,Environmental Ecology and Economic Utilization of Mangroves in China. Beijing; Berlin Heidelberg CHEP &Springer Verlag. 林鹏、傅勤,1995,中国红树林环境生态及经济利用,北京:高等教育出版社,1-95。
LinQing LTL Bearing Co.,Ltd. located in Yandian Insustrial Zone Linqing City ,which is the border of Shandong Province near Hebei Province .It is transport facilities, a beautiful environment. 临清来特来轴承有限公司位于山东省临清市烟店工业园,地处冀、鲁交界处,东靠京九铁路,西临京广干线,交通便利,环境优美。
LinSanZhi:Famous calligrapher, a former member of the CPPCC National Committee, former President Shuxie Jiangsu Province, China Shuxie honorary member. 林散之:著名书法家,曾任全国政协委员,原江苏省书协主席,中国书协名誉理事。
LinYi TongYu tools co,ltd,located at jiuqu town,hedong District,Linyi city,shandong province-the national famous hardware town,enjoys favorable geographical location and trans-port facilities. 临沂市通宇五金工具有限公司座落在全国闻名的五金之乡——山东省临沂市河东区九曲镇,地理位置优越,交通十分便利。
Lina Inverse is a powerful sorceress who is famous for killing bandits (to take their loot) and slaying dragons (accidentally destroying the occasional city in the process). 丽娜因巴斯是个因为杀土匪(其实是想私吞赃物)以及屠龙(过程中有时候会不小心毁掉整个城市)而成名的强力女魔术师。

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