To measure work-pieces, stop the planer first, and then clean off the cutting scrap of work-piece with brush.
测量工件尺寸时必须停车,工件上的切屑须用刷子扫。 |
To measure you by your smallest deed is to reckon the power of ocean by the frailty of its foam.
以你最小的功业来衡量你,就好比易碎的海的泡沫来评定海洋的力量. |
To meditate is to labor; to think is to act.
沈思就是劳动,思索就是行动。 |
To meditate is to labour ; to think is to act .
沉思就是劳动,思索就是行动。 |
To meet Clarissa's approval, people “ must do something,” as she did in “ making a world” in her drawing room, in “ assembling” and “ knowing” all sorts of individuals, in running her house, and in giving “ her parties,” which were for her “ life”.
为了得到克瑞莎的认同,四周的人必须做些事情,如同她在客厅里「创造一个世界」,用生花妙笔将各种人物了解连贯起来,并且举行餐宴,对她而言,这就是「人生」。 |
To meet and overthrow the power of that dynasty is the work now before all those who would prevent that consummation.
所有欲将阻止事态极端恶化的人们现在要做的就是推翻这个王朝的势力。 |
To meet each other half way,what do you say to payment installment?
我们互相让步,分期付款可以么? |
To meet its military needs, Japan imported large quantities of scrap iron from abroad.
日本为了军事需要,大量从国外进口废旧钢铁。 |
To meet new challenges, Better Uniform will continue to carry forward its pragmatic and innovative spirit, in order to rapidly promote the enterprise to internationally advanced level.
为迎接新的挑战,比特制服将继续发扬务实、创新的精神,以推动企业朝国际化水准快速迈进。 |
To meet operating requirements of vast users.We have developead many varieties of patent ceramic balls,which have been widely utilized in chemical,petrochemical,coal,gas,finechem-icals and enviromental protection industries,and have woned many national in
为满足广大用户的使用要求,我公司开发了品种繁多的瓷球,广泛应用于石油、化工、化肥、煤化工、天然气、精细化工、环保等行业,并获得国家多项发明专利。 |
To meet that deadline, an agreement must be reached by the end of the year; its broad outlines need to be in place before negotiators pack up for the summer (note that no one has suggested cancelling any holidays).
为了满足期限,年底必须达成协议;协议的要点需要谈判专家们在夏季整理到位(注意到没有人愿意取消假期)。 |