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A senior Chinese food regulator has warned that problems with food safety in the country could cause diseases and threaten social stability.

A seminal signing for Arsenal. 他的加盟对阿森纳具有重大意义。
A seminar system of anti-dumping litigation accountancy would be help for China to promote the research process of this field. 希望在全国范围内成立反倾销诉讼会计研究会,以推动该领域的研究进程。
A senator who is always on top of the issues. 一位消息总是很灵通的参议员
A sence of control is the litmus test for success. 有无控制感是成功的试金石。
A senior Afghan official says U.S. aircraft bombed a suspected Taleban hideout in the Charchino district of Uruzgan late Monday, killing 10 insurgents. 阿富汗一位高级官员说,美国飞机星期一晚间轰炸了乌鲁兹甘省沙尔希诺区怀疑为塔利班分子藏身的地方,炸死10名反叛分子。
A senior Chinese food regulator has warned that problems with food safety in the country could cause diseases and threaten social stability. 中国食品监管部门一位高级官员日前警告称,中国的食品安全问题可能导致疾病,并对社会稳定构成威胁。
A senior Chinese legislator has called for sincere and practical talks on interfaith harmony on the basis of equality and mutual benefit at an Asia-Europe Meeting underway in Nanjing. 在南京举行的亚欧会议上,一位资深人大代表呼吁在平等互利的基础上就不同信仰和谐共处开展真诚务实的对话。
A senior German politician famously called them “locusts” in 2005. 2005年,一个著名的资深政治家称其为“蝗虫”。
A senior Iraqi Interior Ministry official said the operation in Samarra marked the beginning of what he said was a major military offensiveto wipe out Iraq's persistent and increasingly violent insurgency. 一位伊拉克内政部高级官员说,萨迈拉的军事行动标志着消灭伊拉克持续不断、日益嚣张的暴力反叛分子的一次“主要军事攻势”的开始。
A senior Pentagon official later suggested Admiral Keating had been misunderstood. 之后,五角大楼某高级官员路出口风,说大家误解了基廷上将的意思。
A senior Treasury official said the administrative changes involve dedicating more senior policy staff to oversee CFIUS reviews, enhancing transparency to Congress about the process, and asking companies to approach CFIUS informally with their proposed de 一位美国财政部高级官员表示,行政方面的改革包括:指派更多资深政策人士监督美国外国投资委员会的审核,增强国会对审核过程的了解程度,并要求相关企业在过程早期,与美国外国投资委员会就拟议中的交易进行非正式接触,以便尽早就潜在问题展开讨论。

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