Control air pollution and bring back city's blue sky!
治理大气污染,还城市一片蓝天! |
Control algorithm is neural network self-learning, it means that measurement signals are inputed for neural network which adjusts the setpoint of actuators based on its efficiency, in order to improve strip flatness.
控制算法为神经元网络自学习的算法,即输入实测信号根据效率逐一调节执行元件的设定值,以改善板形。 |
Control and Summoned or Created Creatures : Summoned creatures are controlled by the player who controls the summoner at the time of the summoning.
控制与召唤或创造生物:在召唤过程中,被召唤生物受控制召唤者的玩家所控制。 |
Control and analyse the daily maintenance reports issued by the maintenance team. Identify the periodic maintenance work and suggest modification to improve.
分析每天的维修队签发的维修报告,检查定期的维修工作,对工艺变更的提高提出宝贵的建议。 |
Control and elimination of endemic diseases is a long-term task.
控制和消除地区性特有疾病是一份长期的差事。 |
Control and minimize labor overtime, premium freight and repair expenses.
管理人员加班时间、额外运费以及维修费用的支出并努力将其降至最低。 |
Control appetite. Overindulgence clogs body and mind.
控制食欲。暴饮暴食阻塞身体和心灵。 |
Control cabinet or control instrument: special configure for bag filter. The control program can be designed according to the technical requirements of customers.
五、控制柜(仪):为袋式除尘器专门配置,可根据用户要求,设计控制线路。 |
Control cables must be run in a separate conduit.
控制电缆必须采用专用电缆。 |
Control cost and payment collection.
控制成本与货款回收。 |
Control costs effectively --- Comprehend, monitor and simplify departments' operation.
有效控制成本—了解及监察各部门的运作,使之精简。 |