This will make you more conscious of where your hard-earned dollars are going.
这会使你对自己辛苦赚来的钱的去向更加清楚。 |
This will make your next purchase much easier – you don't need type your shipping and billing information again.
这将使您的下一次购物变得更为便捷–您不再需要再次输入您的送货和帐单地址。 |
This will mark Hughes' third start back after a lengthy rehab process, during which he also sprained his left ankle, setting him back further.
这也是修斯在冗长复健过程之后归队的第三次先发,在之前的期间他的左脚踝又在度扭伤,使得他的归队日期一延再延。 |
This will mean in effect that all doctors currently in the SHO grade, together with newly qualified doctors emerging from MMC, will hae to compete for training posts.
这实际上意味着,所有目前为SHO等级的医生将必须与新合格的医生一起竞争培训岗位。 |
This will mean in effect that all doctors currently in the SHO grade, together with newly qualified doctors emerging from MMC, will have to compete for training posts.
这实际上意味着,所有目前为SHO等级的医生将必须与新合格的医生一起竞争培训岗位。 |
This will mess up your system.
这样会搞乱你的系统。 |
This will minimize liner wear by distributing stem and disc weight evenly.
这样能够均匀的分配阀杆和阀瓣的重量,最大限度减少衬垫磨损。 |
This will minimize the frontal resistance as well as reduce wave resistance produced by the swimmer.
这将最大程度地减少前端阻力又会减少游泳运动员产生的波浪阻力。 |
This will more accurately reflect the flow of your thoughts.
这将更为精确地反映你的想法。 |
This will not be possible without moving production to China, Mr Appelbaum predicts.
爱帕柏姆预测,要达成这个目标,不把生产线搬到中国是不可能的。 |
This will not be so in eggs or milk; and so dairy farms and chickens raised for eggs will not be affected to begin with.
但在蛋类和牛奶中不会如此,所以奶牛场和下蛋的鸡群在开始时将不会被影响。 |