I know you, you scoundrel! I have heard of you before. You are Holmes, the meddler.
“我知道你,这个恶棍。我以前听过你。你是福尔摩斯,爱管闲事的人。” |
I know, dear, but it's Ministry procedure, and I have to set an example. Something smells good... onion soup?
“我知道,亲爱的,但这是魔法部规定的,我必须做出表率。什么东西这么好闻——洋葱汤?” |
I know,he answered, but your father isn't here right now. And if we don't make our way to the docks soon, the guard will be back. Let's go.
“我知道,”他回答道,“但是你父亲现在并不在这啊。而我们如果不快点动身去码头的话,守卫倒是马上就要回来了。走吧。” |
I know. What has three legs, takes 10 hours to climb up a palm tree, and 10 seconds to get back down?
我知道了.什麽东西有3条腿,他需要花10个小时爬上棕榈叶树,但只花10秒钟爬下来?农夫问道. |
I know.he said, beaming,Isn't it wonderful?
“我知道。”他高兴地说,“这难道不好吗?” |
I lament the undead, because they can't have a good ending.
「我为不死者哀悼,因为他们无得善终。」 |
I learned a lot,Wang said of the 2005 playoff baptism.
我学到了很多,小民说到关于2005年季后赛的洗礼. |
I learned from the book that one of [US President George W.] Bush's ancestors was a minister who told his family to `do the right thing,'Chen said.
注意下面这句话最无耻:陈水扁说他欢迎任何人对其观点进行评论,并鼓励大家在今年用布什先辈的这句话相互勉励。 |
I leave my answers in tears upon the grass.
“我已在绿草上留下了我的流着泪点的回答了。” |
I let them know it wasn't okay with me,Jackson said. That's not the way we act [as far as] being a Laker, being a team headed for the playoffs.
“我让他们知道这对我来说并不是很好,”杰克逊说道,“这并不是湖人,作为一支准备参加季后赛的球队应当有的表现方式。 |
I lied, I lied, and I lied some more,admits Mr Blair, as he shamelessly rides the joys of a new book, a likely film deal and multiple television appearances.
“我撒谎了,我撒谎了,我还撒了一些谎,”布莱尔先生在他的新书中承认道。在电视镜头前,他也这样承认。他的故事可能还会拍成电影。 |