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As using the polyurethane frame, the installation becomes more convenient; the noise from shaking becomes slighter.

As underground works, the measurement of quantity of grouting works is complicated and changeful. 摘要灌浆工程是隐蔽工程,灌浆工程的计量具有复杂性和多变性。
As upon a cold day a man may warm himself by standing in the rays of the sun, until its warmth penetrates his body, so the soul who takes time for communion with God becomes permeated with the strength of the Triune Holiness. 正如在寒冷的天气里,一个人想要暖和他的身体,就站在阳光底下,直到他被太阳晒透全身暖和为止,照样一个人也应花点时间与神交通,得到三一神的圣洁映到我们的心灵为止。
As use of the ballot box has spread, especially to poorer parts of the world, tariffs have fallen. 随着民主手段的推广,尤其是在那些贫穷地域的推广,各国的关税纷纷得到了下调。
As used in this Law, the term cigarette manufacturing equipmentmeans a complete set of equipment for cigarette manufacturing. 本法所称烟草专用机械是指烟草专用机械的整机。
As useful lyric songs, the formation of their final texts is affected by many factors sounds, such as singing method, background and application and so on. 《诗经》作为实用性乐歌,其文本形态的最后形成受很多因素的影响,比如歌唱方式、配乐、应用等。
As using the polyurethane frame, the installation becomes more convenient; the noise from shaking becomes slighter. 采用聚氨脂边框结构,既方便于安装,且大大降低了振动噪音。
As usual my wife does the lion's share of our house-work. (内人像平常一样,做最多的家事。)
As usual she was rushing them along, trying to keep everything in order, and seemed as if she was held inches above the abyss by a very thin string. 像往常一样,她和他们匆忙的走,试图保持一切事情的井然有序的状态,她就好象生活在离深渊上面几英寸的地方而被一根非常细的绳子支撑。
As usual the minister's speech, although drawn out, contained noting new. 同往常一样,牧师的演说尽管拖得很长但没有新鲜内容。
As usual, 3 PM, old Hawk is selling his fresh mackerel fishes by the dock. 下午3点钟,象往常一样,老霍克在码头兜售他的新鲜鲭鱼。
As usual, 3)sequels and 4)remakes will continue to 5)pique our interest, but I'm hopeful that a few new and creative films will be 6)released to interest and entertain us. 像以往一样,续集和重拍会继续引起我们的兴趣,但我仍然满怀希望地期待着一些有创意的新片上映,让我们娱乐一番。

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