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Ask, Is there any recurrent sin, any instance of rebellion in my life?

Ask yourself, “ Why is this an issue in my life? 问问自己,“为什么这成了我生活中的一个问题?
Ask yourselves how this gracious reception of our petition comports with these warlike preparations which cover our waters and darken our land. 问问你们自己,这种亲切地接受我请愿的行动与那些在我们的陆上和水上所作的战争准备怎麽相称。
Ask yourselves how this gracious reception of our petition comports with those warlike preparations which cover our waters and darken our land. 难道出于对我们的爱护与和解,有必要动用战舰和军队吗?
Ask “what is a gunfight? 问“枪战是什么?”
Ask's Website crawler is our Web-indexing robot (or crawler/spider). 问的网站爬虫是我们的索引网的机器人(或爬虫/蜘蛛)。
Ask, Is there any recurrent sin, any instance of rebellion in my life? 试问,我生活里面有没有任何反反复复犯的罪,有没有任何反抗上帝的情况?
Ask: Can the architect, by adjusting the conventional elements of architecture and urban landscape, encourage new effects which represent, in a critical way, the world we live? 问:建筑师是否可以通过对建筑城市和景观的惯例的改变,从而对我们的生存进行批判和影响?
Ask: Each project seems to be linked to a type of “chest word”, that is neither an abstraction nor a form. 答:每一个项目似乎都对应一个核心词,它既不是抽象的描述也不是具体的形式。
Ask: For CHB patients do you suggest the lifelong treatment and when to suppose to stop? 《国际肝病》:对于慢乙肝患者你建议长期治疗吗?同时什么时候需要终止治疗?
Ask: How do you know their names? (你是怎么知道它们的名字的?)
Ask: Is the model of reformulating the ground a result of the geometrical operations linked to the paper folding and Origami techniques, or is it a problem of materialization of the space through a system of phenomenological perception? 问:你们觉得在基地上构思建筑的过程是取决于做模型时的叠纸艺术还是物化空间的系列现象学过程?

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