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Sharon sees her friend Brad smoking outside.

Sharon Stone and Madonna are turning 40. 莎朗史东和麦当娜都已踏进四十之年。
Sharon Stone has been released from a hospital after being treated for more than a week for bleed ing on her brain. 莎朗·斯通日前因脑部出血入院进行治疗,目前已出院回家休养。据医生讲,莎朗·斯通的神经系统完好无恙,完全可以正常地生活和工作。
Sharon also appears to be close to passing in the coming year or so and this will end the struggle between two ancestries that have warred upon one another for eons of time. 沙龙看样子也将在明年左右去世,这将结束两个祖先相互战争了无数代的对抗。
Sharon and Terry have been going out (together) for six weeks. 沙伦和特里两人谈情说爱已经有六个星期了.
Sharon is an easy-going person. She just goes with the flow. 沙伦是个随和的人。人家怎么说,她就怎么做。
Sharon sees her friend Brad smoking outside. 莎伦看到她的朋友布莱德正在外面抽烟。
Sharon to English club activities as a starting point, the network has gradually developed a unique interactive mode with reality, unite a number of outstanding foreign language professionals. 俱乐部以英语沙龙活动为起点,逐渐形成了独具特色的网络与现实互动的运作模式,团结了一批优秀的外语专业人才。
Sharon was always trying to move in on Jane's boyfriend. 莎纶总是想侵占简的男朋友。
Sharon was in shock. She was beginning to understand that I was hurt, but she could not begin to comprehend or imagine the severity of my injury. 沙伦被吓坏了。渐渐地她才明白我受伤了,但是她根本想象不到伤势的严重性。
Sharon woke me with the news: We need to go to the hospital… my water just broke.I couldn't help but think how ironic it was that my life almost ended in a convenience store and now on the date 7-11we were about to bring a new life into this world. 我忍不住想命运真让人啼笑皆非,它几乎让我在那家便利店里丢了性命,而在一个命名为“7·11”的日子里它却让我迎来新生命的出世。
Sharon's rollercoaster ride through Israel politics, from hard-line warrior to peacemaker, meant that he made as many enemies as allies along the way. 但并非所有人都一致祝福夏隆早日康复。从一名走强硬路线的战士变成和平促进者,夏隆在以色列政坛立场丕变的过程,意味著他一路走来所树立的敌人并不少于他结交的盟友。

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