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One form of hypersensitivity pneumonitis is known as farmer's lung because the farmer inhales thermophilic actinomycetes in moldy hay that set off the reaction.

One followed by two ciphers is 100. 一的后面跟两个零是一百.
One foot. Two feet. One tail. 一只脚,两只脚。一条尾巴。
One for all, all for one. 我为人人,人人为我。
One for keeping his distance. 一为保存他的距离。
One for my master, one for my dame and one for the little boy that lives in the lane. 一袋给我的男主人,一袋给我的女主人,一袋给那个住在小巷里的小男孩。
One form of hypersensitivity pneumonitis is known as farmer's lung because the farmer inhales thermophilic actinomycetes in moldy hay that set off the reaction. 过敏性肺炎的一种类型农民肺,由于农民吸入耐热的放线菌,它由发霉的干草中繁殖生长。
One form, called hyaline arteriolosclerosis, is demonstrated by the markedly thickened arteriole to the lower right of this glomerulus with PAS stain. 经过PAS染色,可见连接右下方肾小球的细动脉已明显变厚,它就是被称为玻璃样变细动脉硬化的一种形态。
One forth is a proper fraction. 四分之一是一个真分数。
One four hour City and Pearl Harbor Tour. 4小时珍珠港和中国城、皇宫观光。
One fourth of a ton;500 pounds. Used as a measure of grain. 五百磅四分之一吨;五百磅。用作谷物计量单位
One fourth of a yard; nine inches. 四分之一码;九英寸

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