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Zead: Ah, I'm pleased to see you are unharmed.

Zarqawi was the operational commander of the terrorist movement in Iraq. 扎卡维是伊拉克恐怖分子的行动指挥。
Zarqawi, the militant who led an insurgent campaign of suicide bombings, kidnappings and hostage beheadings, died in an air strike north of Baghdad, Iraq s prime minister said Thursday. 总统布什在白宫玫瑰花园发表关于伊拉克阿尔凯达基地组织领导人扎卡维在美军空袭伊拉克北部中身亡的声明后,离开演讲台。
Zaurask society is tribal, and their shamans are adept at using the natural forces around them to attack their enemies. 蜥人族的社会是属于部族结构,他们的巫医擅长使用周围的自然力量来攻击他们的敌人。
Zavos has claimed in the past that he will rigorously screen cloned human embryos. 过去,扎沃斯曾声称,他会严格筛选克隆人类的胚胎。
Ze Yongming's poetic style has got more dramatic since his return from America in 1992. 摘要1992年从美国回来后,翟永明诗风发生了很大转变,由原来的“普拉斯”式变为“戏剧化”。
Zead: Ah, I'm pleased to see you are unharmed. 塞:啊,我很高兴看到你安然无恙。
Zead: Do not go beyond your bounds! You mustn't speak nor act upon matters related to fate. You had better refrain from saying anything unsuitable. 塞:别超出你的界限!你不能用任何的言行干涉命运。你不能再说那些不合适的话了。
Zead: He is the one protecting the curse. Ergo, he is an impediment to me... and to all those who abide in this land. 塞:他是要保护维持诅咒的人,所以,他对我来说是个妨碍,对这片大地上所有忍受痛苦的人也是一样。
Zead: I am merely lending assistance to one who is seeking what he already desires. It is the same with the curse. 塞:我只是援助一个人使他得以达成他已经存在多时的欲望。这和诅咒是一样的。
Zead: It cannot be. No, that is not possible... I must make haste to complete the final touches. I beg your leave. Adieu. 塞:这不可能。不,这不会发生...我必须赶快完成最后一件事。请容我离去,再会!(西班牙语吗?
Zead: Saint Germain, you say? Did you meet him in the clock tower? 塞:你说圣.日尔曼?你在钟楼顶上见过他了?

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