Out of the tube with previous memories veiled and into the light.
以前的记忆被掩盖,你从产道中进入光明。 |
Out of the window of a Boeing 767 the clouds slowly floated by.
透过波音767的窗户,云层在缓缓浮动。 |
Out of the wreckage of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita would emerge a model for what health care can be.
对投资的主要障碍之一是给提供者的费用,一项研究表明大量的钱(89%)投资在健康信息技术上。 |
Out of these both parties can win.
采用这样的策略双方都可以是赢家。 |
Out of those experiences, everything from pomp to humor to grief to majesty to the profoundly gruesome5) and monumentally spiritual worked its way into his tone.
由于具有这些经历,他的乐声五光十色,应有尽有:华丽、幽默、悲伤、雄伟,以及极度的可憎和永恒的圣洁。 |
Out of true.
出了毛病 |
Out of work for almost a year now, Mrs. Johnson is one of the thousands of unemployed in New York, New Jersey and Connecticut who have seen weeks turn into months with still no job on the horizon.
约翰逊太太失业已近一年。而她不过是纽约、新泽西、康涅狄格州成千上万失业者之一。他们眼见一周周、一月月地过去,工作仍渺无踪影。 |
Out past the downtown cluster of skyscrapers called, with utter frankness, Central Wealth District,Dongguan's famous shoe leather meets the gas pedal, and there's not an iron bicycle in sight.
走出高楼林立的市区——直率地讲,这里是东莞富裕的中心地带,东莞的鞋革产业的发展带动了人们对汽车普及的需要,在这里根本就看不到自行车的踪影。 |
Out rushed a group of boys.
一群男孩冲了出来。 |
Out rushed a missile from under the bomber.
一枚导弹突然从轰炸机下面发射出来。 |
Out swords and at them!’ cried Hadji-Aha, snatching his own from its sheath, and there was a sound of hundreds of voices as men charged shrieking into the bushes.
『出剑,他们!』哭阿-啊哈,抢自己从护套、有健全的数百名男子被控声音凄厉入草丛. |