Curing chronic bronchitis,is based on the theory of strengthening the patient's constitution,improving the body immunity,and adjusting the internal organs function.By massage,it can obviously better the symptom,reduce or lighten the outbreak of the diseas |
中文意思: 治疗慢性支气管炎以加强患者体质,提高机体免疫力,调节脏腑功能为原理,通过按摩可显著改善症状,真正做到减轻该病的发作。 |
Curently he is member of Chinese Calligrapher's Association, committee member of Chnese Association, vice-director of Hainan Poets, Artists and Calligraphers Communication Association.
现为中国书法家协会会员,中国博物馆学会委员,海南省诗书画联谊会副理事长。 |
Curing Inflammation of the muscle,vein membrane of the back by massage,it can stretch the muscles and smooth the vein,invigorate the circulation of Qi and blood.It aims at easing the pain and muscle jerk,preventing from the conglutination of muscle,vein m
按摩治疗项背肌筋膜炎可以舒筋通络,行气活血,手法的目的是减轻疼痛,缓解肌肉痉挛,防止肌筋膜粘连形成,再结合本片中的功能锻炼,治疗此病会有更加显著的疗效。 |
Curing agent 9534, polyamide, especially suitable for application in tropical or subtropical weather. Curing agent 9540, polyamide adduct, easily cures at temperature as low as 10℃ below zero.
9534为聚酰胺固化剂,特别适合于热带、亚热带气候下使用。9540为聚酰胺加成物固化剂,在低至-10℃时也容易固化。 |
Curing agent 9534, polyamide, is suitable for application in tropical and subtropical weather. Curing agent 9540, polyamide adduct, can be cured at low temperature.
聚酰胺固化剂9534用于热带及亚热带气候的施工,聚酰胺加成物9540则能在低温固化。 |
Curing agent 9534, polyamide, is suitable for application in tropical and subtropical weather. For 9540, curing can proceed at temperature as low as -10℃.
固化剂9534,特别适合于热带、亚热带气候下使用;固化剂9540,低至-10℃时也可固化。 |
Curing chronic bronchitis,is based on the theory of strengthening the patient's constitution,improving the body immunity,and adjusting the internal organs function.By massage,it can obviously better the symptom,reduce or lighten the outbreak of the diseas
治疗慢性支气管炎以加强患者体质,提高机体免疫力,调节脏腑功能为原理,通过按摩可显著改善症状,真正做到减轻该病的发作。 |
Curing is an important method to preserve meat.
腌制是保存肉的一种重要方法。 |
Curios also are called antiques, are various and complicated.
古玩又称古董,包罗万像,五花八门。 |
Curiosity and originality are daily occurrences for the small child, but somehow most of us lose the freedom and flexibility of the child as we grow older.
好奇心和创造性每天可在小孩子身上发现,而当我们逐步长大成人,多数人丧失了孩子的那种自由和灵活性。 |
Curiosity has its own reason for existing.
好奇心的存在有它自己的理由。 |
Curiosity is part of the children's nature.
好奇是儿童的天性。 |