The tradition of the Eastern Orthodox Church holds that Mary died, and that after her death and burial, she was not resurrected but that her body was miraculously transposed into heaven, as was the body of Enoch, Moses and Elijah. |
中文意思: 东正教的传统认为玛丽亚已经死了,死后被埋葬,她并没有复活,但她的身体是奇迹般地转化成天堂,是以诺、摩西和以利亚的身体。 |
The tradition has grown and someday will expand even further with our grandchildren standing around the tree with wide-eyed anticipation watching as their fathers take down the envelope.
这个传统在延续,有一天会被我们的孙子传得更远,当他们瞪着大大的眼睛,满怀希望地等待着他们的父亲从树上取下信封。 |
The tradition mammary gland infrared inspection has the characteristic of no-pain, no-hurt, and repeatable inspect and so on, but it has higher misdiagnosing rate.
传统的乳腺红外检查具有无痛、无创、可反复检查等特点,但是有较高的误诊率。 |
The tradition of Saint Valentine's Day goes back centuries and involves lovers exchanging gifts, such as flowers, chocolates or notes.
情人节的传统可以追溯到几个世纪之前,包括情人间交换像花,巧克力,笔记等礼物。 |
The tradition of giving them as love tokens dates from 1477, when Archduke Maximilian of Austria gave a diamond ring to Mary of Burgundy.
1477年,奥地利大公马克西米利安把一枚钻石戒指送给了玛利公主,从此赠送钻石作为爱情的象征这个传统便流传下来。 |
The tradition of querying the narrative of progress, started by Dickens and his contemporaries, was carried forward in the 20th century Britain.
摘要由狄更斯等人开创的质疑“进步”话语的传统在20世纪的英国一直持续着。 |
The tradition of the Eastern Orthodox Church holds that Mary died, and that after her death and burial, she was not resurrected but that her body was miraculously transposed into heaven, as was the body of Enoch, Moses and Elijah.
东正教的传统认为玛丽亚已经死了,死后被埋葬,她并没有复活,但她的身体是奇迹般地转化成天堂,是以诺、摩西和以利亚的身体。 |
The tradition of the State Egg Display for Easter began in 1994.
这些彩蛋是由来自51个州和华盛顿-哥伦比亚特区的艺术家们装饰的。 |
The tradition still lingered on among them.
那项传统仍历久犹存在他们之间。 |
The traditional seven wonders of the worldall existed more than 2,000 years ago and were all in the Mediterranean region.
原来的“七大奇迹”都有2,000多年的历史而且都分布在地中海地区。 |
The traditional American school year begins in late August or early September. It ends in May or June, followed by summer vacation.
以往美国学校开学都在8月末或9月初,在来年5月或6月放暑假。 |
The traditional Chinese culture is noted for its many luminous ideas: the philosophical precept of harmony without uniformity, the political belief that people is the foundation of the nation, the educational guideline of respecting teachers and valuing e
中国传统文化中有许多精华,例如:“和而不同”的哲学思想,“民为邦本”的民本思想,“尊师重教”的教育思想,“己所不欲,勿施于人”的社会伦理思想,等等。 |