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After Karachi, the political situation is unstable and hard to predict.

After Jesus and his disciples arrived in Capernaum, the collectors of the two-drachma tax came to Peter and asked, Doesn't your teacher pay the temple tax? 25彼得说,纳。他进了屋子,耶稣先向他说,西门,你的意思如何。世上的君王,向谁征收关税丁税。是向自己的儿子呢?是向外人呢?
After Jesus died on the cross(3), his body was put in a cave on the side of a mountain. 耶稣被钉死在十字架上后,他的尸体就被置于山边的洞穴内。
After Job had prayed for his friends, the LORD made him prosperous again and gave him twice as much as he had before. 10约伯为他的朋友祈祷。耶和华就使约伯从苦境转回(苦境原文作掳掠),并且耶和华赐给他的,比他从前所有的加倍。
After John's messengers left, Jesus began to speak to the crowd about John: What did you go out into the desert to see? A reed swayed by the wind? 24约翰所差来的人既走了,耶稣就对众人讲论约翰说,你们从前出去到旷野,是要看什么呢?要看风吹动的芦苇吗?
After Joshua had dismissed the Israelites, they went to take possession of the land, each to his own inheritance. 6从前约书亚打发以色列百姓去的时候,他们各归自己的地业,占据地土。
After Karachi, the political situation is unstable and hard to predict. 卡拉奇事件后,政治形势变得非常动荡并难以预测。
After Kazakhstan gained independence from the Soviet Union in 1991, many hoped this oil-rich Central Asian country would pursue democracy. 自从1991年哈萨克斯坦从苏联中解放独立出去之后,许多人都曾希望这个拥有丰富石油资源的中亚国家会追求民主。
After Lincoln's assassination in April 1865, Johnson went from vice president to president. 当林肯在1865年4月遭到暗杀之后,强森以副总统之位继任总统一职。
After Liu Zongyuan's death, Han Yu had composed the funeral oration, the epitaph and Liuzhou Luochi Miao Bei to him. 柳宗元死后,韩愈为其撰写了祭文和墓志铭后,又写了《柳州罗池庙碑》一文。
After MG ended, a lot of ppl started to speculate about your relationship with Lee Dong Wook. How are you both getting on lately? MG拍完后,很多人开始推测你和李东旭的关系。最近你们的关系怎么样?
After Mao's death his record was reevaluated by his successor Deng Xiaoping. 毛泽东去世后邓小平对毛的功绩进行重新评估。

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