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Article 9 Business operators engaging in the importation of goods or services shall be deemed as the designers, producers or manufacturers of such goods or the providers of such services and shall therefore bear the liability of producers set forth in Art

Article 9 An operator shall not use advertisement or other means to give false, misleading information on the quality, composition, performance, use, manufacturer, useful life, origin, etc. of the goods. 第九条经营者不得利用广告或者其他方法,对商品的质量、制作成分、性能、用途、生产者、有效期限、产地等作引人误解的虚假宣传。
Article 9 And after payment of income tax shall be made on the profit distributed to investment parties by an enterprise in parks which is a cooperative one in accordance with the financial system of the enterprise of the investment parties, or, a part of 第九条开发区企业属联营企业的,其分给投资方的利润,应按投资方企业的财务体制,扣除开发区缴纳的税款后,补缴所得税或上交利润。
Article 9 Any functionary of a State security organ may, when carrying out an urgent task according to law, have the priority in taking means of public transport upon producing an appropriate certificate, and have the right of way in cases of a traffic bl 第九条国家安全机关的工作人员在依法执行紧急任务的情况下,经出示相应证件,可以优先乘坐公共交通工具,遇交通阻碍时,优先通行。
Article 9 Any quarantine functionary of an animal and plant quarantine organ must be devoted to his or her duties and enforce the law impartially. 第九条动植物检疫机关检疫人员必须忠于职守,秉公执法。
Article 9 Any trademark in respect of which an application for registration is filed shall be so distinctive as to be distinguishable, and shall not conflict with any prior right acquired by another person. 第九条申请注册的商标,应当有显著特征,便于识别,并不得与他人在先取得的合法权利相冲突。
Article 9 Business operators engaging in the importation of goods or services shall be deemed as the designers, producers or manufacturers of such goods or the providers of such services and shall therefore bear the liability of producers set forth in Art 第9条(输入商品或服务之提供者)输入商品或服务之企业经营者,视为该商品之设计、生产、制造者或服务之提供者,负本法第七条之制造者责任。
Article 9 Change of water courses or digging of waterscape is subject to the approval of the central authority-in-charge. 第9条(应经核准之水利事业(三))变更水道或开凿运河,应经中央主管机关核准。
Article 9 Commercial password products must be qualified by the product quality inspection institutions designated by the State Password Administration Institution. 第九条商用密码产品,必须经国家密码管理机构指定的产品质量检测机构检测合格。
Article 9 Every unit must,according to the economic transaction and operational matters which actually occur,conduct accounting, draw up accounting documents,enter account books and prepare financial and accounting reports . 第九条各单位必须根据实际发生的经济业务事项进行会计核算,填制会计凭证,登记会计帐簿,编制财务会计报告。
Article 9 Existing factories and warehouses and specialized depots and wharves for production, storage, loading and unloading of inflammable and explosive dangerous goods, shall be established at urban border area or independent safety zone. 第九条生产、储存和装卸易燃易爆危险物品的工厂、仓库和专用车站、码头,必须设置在城市的边缘或者相对独立的安全地带。
Article 9 Flood control planning refers to the overall arrangement for the prevention and control of flood and waterlogging calamities in a certain river basin, river course or region, including river bas in flood control planning for major rivers and lak 第九条防洪规划是指为防治某一流域、河段或者区域的洪涝灾害而制定的总体部署,包括国家确定的重要江河、湖泊的流域防洪规划,其他江河、河段、湖泊的防洪规划以及区域防洪规划。

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