Suddenly, the Chinese economy is back at the forefront of attention.
一夜之间,中国经济再次成为人们关注的焦点。 |
Suddenly, the Red Devils were flying. Harper saved superbly from Fletcher, with Ronaldo blasting the rebound against the bar when he should have done better.
红魔突然间爆发,哈珀精彩的救出了弗莱彻、罗纳尔多的射门。葡萄牙人的射门被他挡了一下之后飞向了横梁。 |
Suddenly, the brunette notices a dead bird. Awww, look at the dead birdie,she says sadly.
突然,黑人女人发现了一只死去的小鸟。“哦!看这只死去的小鸟。”她悲伤地说。 |
Suddenly, the car started chugging and sputtering until finally the engine quit altogether.
忽然,车子先是发出嘎嚓声,然后又是劈啪声,终于发动机彻底歇工了。 |
Suddenly, the donkey uttered a shrill cry. The tiger trembled with fear,thinking that the donkey was going to kill it.
驴子大叫一声,老虎以为驴子要把自己吃掉,吓得直打哆嗦。 |
Suddenly, the front door swung open. I looked up and screamed.
突然,前门开了,我抬头一望尖叫了起来。 |
Suddenly, the networks will sit up, rub the sleep out of their eyes, and start looking for places to plug the Celtics into their national schedule.
网络工作人员也为此熬夜不止,揉一揉眼睛,把疲劳赶跑,在节目表上满世界找,想方设法要把凯尔特人队插到全国的热点新闻中去。 |
Suddenly, the patient raised a shout of pain.
突然病人发出痛苦的叫声。 |
Suddenly, the secrets of Jackson Pollock seemed to fall into place for me: he must have adopted nature's rhythms when he painted.
忽然间,帕洛克的秘密似乎已历历在目:他作画时必然采用了自然界的韵律。 |
Suddenly, the stock market appeared much riskier than before, and investors began reducing their holdings en masse, precipitating additional declines.
突然间,股市显得危机四伏,于是投资者纷纷斩仓,令股市雪上加霜。 |
Suddenly, the wind blew hard, and it blew my umbrella upside down.
突然,一阵强风吹来,风把我的雨伞吹翻了。 |