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“Getting Near Laoshe: Book Review for Critical Biography of Laoshe by A Manchurian Scholar”. National Literature , July 2000, pp.78~91.

“Gerald,” asked the teacher, “what is the shape of the earth? “杰拉尔德,”老师说,“地球是什么形状的?”
“Gerald,” she wrote to another, “I am too old to travel. “杰罗德,”她给另一个儿子写道,“我太老了,不能再出去旅游了。
“Gerontechnology includes the research and development of techniques and technological products, based on the knowledge of aging processes, for the benefit of a preferred living and working environment and adapted medical care for the elderly. “老人福祉科技基于对老化现象的知识,从事技术和科技产品的研究开发,希望能为老人提供较佳的生活与工作环境,以及配合的医疗照护。”
“Get away from the door, all of you,” he commanded, shortly. “你们全都从门边走开,”他简短地命令道。
“Get on www.a963.com for excellent designers” has become a popular saying in China decorating sector. “要找优秀室内设计师,就上深圳室内设计网”已经成为中国装饰行业流传的佳话。
“Getting Near Laoshe: Book Review for Critical Biography of Laoshe by A Manchurian Scholar”. National Literature , July 2000, pp.78~91. “走近老舍:一位满族学人的《老舍评传》”,《民族文学》2000年7月号,第78~91页。北京。
“Gigi is a symbol for our supporters and we will never reach a point where we might get into a confrontation with him. “吉吉是我们球迷所拥戴的人物,我们决不希望失去他,与他为敌。”
“Give me quick ,”said Della. “赶快把钱给我。”德拉说。
“Give the poor man a glass of brandy.” advises a woman. “Give him a heart massage.”says someone else. “给这个可怜的人一杯白兰地吧。”一位女士建议。“给他一点治心脏病的药。”另外一个人说。
“Given that the average digital camera user does not demand resolutions upwards to 5 megapixels, continued falls in component prices are allowing low-cost camera makers to pick up market share from the established brands. “考虑到一般数位相机使用者并不需要五百万像素以上的解析度,相机零件的价位持续下降,让低价相机制造商得以从知名品牌手上取得市场占有率。”
“Global logistical Management includes the design and administration of systems to control the flow of material, work-in-process, general supplies, finished inventory and specialized services to support business unit global strategy. 企业全球物流管理乃相关于支持企业全球策略所需之[物],含原物料、半成品、成品、废弃物及一般供应用品及专业服务的控制系统的设计与管理。

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