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Now that the patient is out of danger, the doctor is no longer in attendance.

Now that the global fight against corruption has gained new and unprecedented momentum, ICC strongly believes the time has come for the OECD to engage in substantive work on the issue of private sector bribery. 既然全球打击贪污已赢得了一个全新、空前的局面,国际商会相信经合发展组织开展因私贿赂工作的时候已经来临。
Now that the initial exploratory stage of space physics has been completed successfully, the fruitfulness of future projects will depend on addressing basic scientific problems. 空间物理学已成功地迈过了探索阶段,未来是要搞清一些基本的科学问题。
Now that the kids are older, he loves to play with them. 现在宝宝们都长大了,古牧非常喜欢和他们玩。
Now that the leaders of the Undead are busy warring in the lands of Irollan, Zehir has a chance to liberate the towns of the League. 目前亡灵军队的将领们都在忙于攻打艾罗兰,泽希尔可以利用这个机会解放联盟中的城市。
Now that the new road is finally open, it is extremely convenient and easy to get to the once remote part of northeastern Taiwan. 在此新公路终于开放后,要前往一度偏远的东北部地区现在很方便。
Now that the patient is out of danger, the doctor is no longer in attendance. 现在病人脱离了危险,不用医生的照料了。
Now that the producers have said it's not purgatory, do you have a new theory? 现在制作人已经否认了这个说法,那你有什么新的猜想了吗?
Now that the scope of contribution form would be enriched and stock-rights would be regarded as a contribution form, so the relationship between such contribution and relevant legal schemes as stock-rights transfer, reinvestment, circulating ownership of 而要将股权设计为一种出资形式,就必须明晰股权出资与股权转让、转投资、循环持股、公司分立、公司收购等相关法律制度的关系。
Now that the side has returned to the top flight, he could continue for another term under new Coach Claudio Ranieri. 现在尤文已经返回了顶级联赛,他依然是新任主教练克劳迪奥·拉涅利的选择。
Now that the spring is in the air, little children everywhere, when you see them I will be there. 到处都有春天的气息,到处都有美丽的姑娘,当你想起我的时候我就在那里。
Now that the war of the early 1990's has long gone, tourists are pouring back into this Eastern European nation and enjoying its long history, beautiful scenery, rich culture and wonderful food and drink. 20世纪90年代初的战争硝烟已渐渐消散,世界各地的游客又竞相来到这个东欧国家,感受这里源远流长的历史,欣赏美仑美奂的风景,体验繁荣丰富的文化,品尝色香味俱全的珍馐美味。

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