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Take this ring as a pledge of our friendship.

Take this glass of water to your father. 把这杯水拿给你父亲。
Take this medication as prescribed. 请按处方使用本药。
Take this opportunity to express gratitude to old and new customers energetical support and patronage . 借此机会感谢新老客户的大力支持和惠顾。
Take this ring as a pledge of friendship. 将这只戒指拿去作为友谊的信物吧。
Take this ring as a pledge of our friendship. 请接受这个戒指作为我们友谊的信物。
Take this ring as a pledge of our friendship. 收下这枚戒指作为我们友谊的象征。
Take this ring with you and tell him to come as quickly as possible. 把这只戒指带着,并告诉他尽快赶来。”
Take thou away from me the noise of thy songs; for I will not hear the melody of thy viols. 23要使你们歌唱的声音远离我。因为我不听你们弹琴的响声。
Take three bottles to the bathroom when you pass urine, put a little at the beginning in one bottle, then a little at the middle in the second bottle, and then a little at the end in the third bottle. 你拿三个尿瓶子到厕所去,当你排尿时,取开始的一点尿放在第一个瓶子里;中间一段尿放在第二个瓶子里;然后放最末一段尿到第三个瓶子里。
Take three deep breaths slowly. 慢慢地深呼吸三次。
Take time before time takes you. 在你死去之前,你应尽量利用时间。

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