At the peak of the sultry rainy season, and lacking the luxury of air-conditioning, I sweated with 40 other dark-skin bodies in a nearly air tight ex-American school bus.
在最闷热的雨季里,缺乏奢侈的空调,我和其他40个黑皮肤的身体挤在一辆几乎密闭的美国人曾经当作旧校车的汽车中,挥汗如雨。 |
At the pirouette (half-pirouette) the forefeet and the outside hind foot move round the inside hind foot, which forms the pivot and should return to the same spot, or slightly in front of it, each time it leaves the ground.
做定后肢迴旋(定后肢半迴旋)时,以内侧后肢为轴,两前肢和外侧后肢围绕内侧后肢动作,而且内侧后蹄每次抬起来之后都必踩在同一地点或其稍前方。 |
At the place where they stopped for the night one of them opened his sack to get feed for his donkey, and he saw his silver in the mouth of his sack.
28就对弟兄们说、我的银子归还了、看哪、仍在我口袋里.他们就提心吊胆、战战兢兢的彼此说、这是神向我们作甚麽呢。 |
At the police station, everything he said was taken down.
在警察局,他说的每句话都被记了下来。 |
At the police station, he was formally charged with murder.
在警察局他被正式控告犯谋杀罪。 |
At the police station, she was grilled for twenty-four hours.
她在警察局被拷问了二十四小时。 |
At the position of the zeroth order, all wavelengths from each slit add constructively; this produces the bright white light you see as the zeroth order at the center of the back focal plane of the objective (Figures 3 and 4).
在零级位,从栅格标本的各个窄缝中发出的所有波长会产生相加的干涉,在物镜的后焦面中心会看到明亮的白色像。 |
At the practical level of promoting EJ movements, we argue that although EJ needs scientific evidence to strengthen its claims, depending on scientific knowledge to confirm the dangers of environmental exposure is a strategy that is highly vulnerable to c
然而在我们具体分析后却发现,科学对运动所能提供的支援已大不如前,以至于当前整个运动的推展越来越仰仗理论性研究的支撑。 |
At the precise moment that I put my foot on the step, the bus started.
恰恰就在我登上公共汽车踏板的时候,车子开动了。 |
At the present rate of exchange, you will get eight hundred dollars and ninety cents.
按照目前的兑换率,你可以得到美元八百零九十美分。 |
At the present rate the project should reach 1m articles in 50 languages, from Arabic to Gaelic, in the next few months.
按照目前的发展速度,维基百科所收入的条目在未来数月将达到100万篇,所用文字多达50种,从阿拉伯语一直到盖尔语。 |