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Moreover the company still conducts a washer to maintain, electric wire electric circuit and water warm air piping of whole change.

Moreover she's unable to make complete and logical sentences. 此外,她已经没有能力说出一句完整且有逻辑的句子。
Moreover the Army needs a manual on Unarmed Offenseas well as one on unarmed defense. 此外,军队除了徒手自卫手册外,还需要一本关于“徒手进攻”的手册。
Moreover the Hebrews that were with the Philistines before that time, which went up with them into the camp from the country round about, even they also turned to be with the Israelites that were with Saul and Jonathan. 21从前由四方来跟随非利士军的希伯来人现在也转过来,帮助跟随扫罗和约拿单的以色列人了。
Moreover the algorithm can be used in any high dimensional space. 且这一算法可以用于任意维空间。
Moreover the application saves the number of your last conversation, so if you recall something important only after the phone talk is over just press the callback key to continue the conversation. 更多功能:该程序还能把最后通话的号码保存起来,这样当你刚挂完电话却又想起还有一些重要的东西没说,你只需要按一下回拨键,就可以继续之前的对话。
Moreover the company still conducts a washer to maintain, electric wire electric circuit and water warm air piping of whole change. 另外公司还经营:洗衣机维修,冰箱冰柜维修,改水改电和水暖气管道的整改。
Moreover the current Fed chairman's comparatively benign view of the economic outlook seems to be in the ascendant. 此外,这位现任美联储主席对经济前景相对乐观的看法,似乎开始占上风。
Moreover the exercise of choice is in itself tiresome. 何况作出选择本身就是件令人厌烦的事。
Moreover the hand of God was on Judah, giving them one heart to perform the commandment of the king and the officers by the word of Jehovah. 12神的手也在犹大人身上,赐他们同一的心,使他们遵行王与众首领凭耶和华之言所发的命令。
Moreover the hand of Jehovah was against them to purge them from the midst of the camp until they were consumed. 15耶和华的手也攻击他们,将他们从营中清除,直到灭尽。
Moreover the king made a great throne of ivory, and overlaid it with the best gold. 王上10:18王用象牙制造一个宝座、用精金包裹。

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