FM is also used in television sound systems.
调频也用于电视声音系统。 |
FM: I am not going to comment on that.
我不想对此作出任何评论。 |
FM: We will try to put both Ferraris ahead of both McLarens in every race.
我们两辆法拉利会尽力在每场比赛中都领先两辆迈克拉伦。 |
FMN (flavin mononucleotide) A derivative of riboflavin that is a coenzyme in electron-transfer reactions.
黄素单核苷酸(FMN):核黄素的衍生物,在电子传递反应中是一种辅酶,作为多种脱氢酶的辅助因子起作用。 |
FMP was defined as the initial day of the last menstrual period preceding 12 consecutie months of amenorrhea, identified retrospectiely.
FMP的定义为经回顾性分析,自末次月经第一天始连续12个月闭经。 |
FMP was defined as the initial day of the last menstrual period preceding 12 consecutive months of amenorrhea, identified retrospectively.
FMP的定义为经回顾性分析,自末次月经第一天始连续12个月闭经。 |
FMT is a repeat count followed by a format letter and a size letter.
FMT是一个重复计数,紧跟着指示格式和指示大小的字母参数. |
FMV sequence in a spaceship - looks Terran - zooming in on a metal door - door opening - reveals a guy with a cigar in chains - prisoner - door shuts behind him - there's so much bass the room is shaking - guy steps into some kind of metallic devicce - le
场景是在宇宙飞船上,看起来像人族,镜头拉大到一个铁门,门打开了,一个被拷着的抽雪茄的人,门在他后面关上了,低音很重,房屋都在战抖,人们走进一种金属装置重,腿都捆在上面,人跳起来快到房顶了,屏幕上的韩文让人们非常兴奋,另一部分机器在给他戴上机器手,全身覆盖上装甲,可以看到很多细节,现在那人戴上手套,装甲成型了,看起来像人族的机枪兵,火箭发射——现在出现了虫族,机枪兵排成了线——星际2官方公布了!!! |
FMo: A big one, I believe.
弗兰克-蒙塔吉尼:我相信会是一个大的不同。 |
FN P90 personal defense weapon is blowback operated, selective-fired weapon which fires from closed bolt.
新生力量P90个人防卫武器吹风操作,选择性燃煤火从封闭的武器螺栓. |
FN(C)-12 type H.V.load switch and fuse box is basied on the FN7-12series H.V.load switch.with operating mechanism.Make the installation more simpler.Can meet orders needs.
12型系列高压负荷开关及熔断器组合电器是在FN7-12系列高压负荷开关的基础上,增加侧面操作机构,使得安装更加简捷方便,能够满足广大用户的不同要求。 |