The protagonist arrives with some friends playing acordions, violins, flutes and many more weird instruments, the dragon falls asleep (because of all the dancing). Then all leave...without the princess. |
中文意思: 大英雄(还是大英雄。。。)和大家一起一边演奏着手风琴、小提琴,笛子和许多其他奇特的乐器,一边来到恶龙前。恶龙听着听着睡着了。。。他们离开了,忘记带走公主了。 |
The prostitute, hearing the snatch of song, did indeed turn and smiled.
那妓女听得有人高吟,回过头来,嫣然一笑。 |
The protagonist arrives at midnight in the middle of the fog, he slays the dragon and crucifies it in front of the castle.
大英雄在雾霭中降临城堡,在城堡前屠戮并将巨龙升上十字架。 |
The protagonist arrives on a harley, kills the dragon, drinks a few beers and fukcs the princess.
大英雄骑着哈雷杀死恶龙,喝了点啤酒把公主给上了。 |
The protagonist arrives riding a white unicorn, escapes from the dragon, saves the princess and makes love to her in an enchanted forest.
大英雄骑着纯白的独角兽,带着公主逃离恶龙的威胁,然后在美轮美奂的密林深处野合。 |
The protagonist arrives to the castle.
大英雄来到城堡前。 |
The protagonist arrives with some friends playing acordions, violins, flutes and many more weird instruments, the dragon falls asleep (because of all the dancing). Then all leave...without the princess.
大英雄(还是大英雄。。。)和大家一起一边演奏着手风琴、小提琴,笛子和许多其他奇特的乐器,一边来到恶龙前。恶龙听着听着睡着了。。。他们离开了,忘记带走公主了。 |
The protagonist arrives, kills the dragon, fukcs the princess and kills her, then leaves.
大英雄来了!杀了龙,干完了并杀死了公主,然后就离开。 |
The protagonist arrives, sees the size of the dragon and thinks he could never beat him, then he gets depressed and commits suicide.
大英雄到来,估量了一下龙的体形,想到可能无法击败它。 |
The protagonist completes the duett by adding the beast part, while the dragon plays the flute.
英雄来了,为她的歌声添加上对歌中的兽声部分,而恶龙在一旁演奏竖笛。 |
The protease plays a key role in the generation of β-amoyoid peptide which is a central event in the pathogensis of AD and its inhibiting is proved to be great beneficial to AD treatment.
抑制β-分泌酶的活性能从上游控制关键致病因素β-淀粉样多肤的生成,从而达到治疗老年痴呆症的目的。 |
The protection aims, prohibition on certain unfair competition, civil responsibility and ways of civil relief of this law give enlightenment on perfection of the China act against unfair competition.
该法规定的保护目的、某些不正当竞争行为的禁止、民事责任和民事救济途径给完善我国反不正当竞争法以启示。 |