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Abstract Sustainable development index system is a focal point in the international study concerning sustainable development, both abroad and home, both abroad and home, national or local levels, indices and high-aggregated indices, monetory method and no

Abstract Objective To study the change of the ratio of exophthalmos and intraorbital pressure when the space-occupying lesion of the orbit were solid,liquid or gas. 眶内疾病可引起眼球突出度和眶压改变,眶内有占位性病变时,眼球突出度和眶压升高。
Abstract Protect through Zhongshan Road, city of Quanzhou, and successful example that renovate, is it summarize historical cultural city historical protection experience of renovation of block to explore, hove offered helpful reference for protecting and 摘要通过泉州市中山路保护与整治的成功範例,探索总结了历史文化名城中历史街区的保护、整治的经验,为进一步更好地保护与整治历史街区提供了有带的借鉴。
Abstract Recurrent spontaneous abortion (RSA) is defined as three or more consecutive pregnancy losses prior to the 20th week of gestation. 复发性自然流产(RSA)的定义是连续3次或以上在妊娠20周前发生妊娠的终止。
Abstract Selecting certain section of North-south Elevated Road in shanghai to develop and set up several curved and erect, turnable noisae-preventing screens, and making comparative noise level test and then conducting analysis and approach on sound envi 摘要在上海市区南北高架与地面道路建设期间,选择了一些典型的高架路段,开发和设置了弧型与面立型两种可翻转式防噪声屏,并作了对比噪声测试,进行了声环境的分析、探讨。
Abstract So many analyzing theses about the students' state of health have been published before. 中国健康教育990405摘要对学生健康状况分析的文章已很多了。
Abstract Sustainable development index system is a focal point in the international study concerning sustainable development, both abroad and home, both abroad and home, national or local levels, indices and high-aggregated indices, monetory method and no 摘要文章对于可持续发展指标体系这一国际上可持续发展研究的,从国家层次到地方层次,指标集和高度合并的指数货币化方法及非货币化方法等方面,详细分析国外可持续发展指标体系的研究进展。
Abstract Taking the electric control sircuit of the flanging machine as an example,this single electromagnet directional control calce is used to design the electric control circuit with several sequential cylinders. 摘要本文以卷边机电气控制回路设计为例子来说明使用单电磁铁换向阀进行多气缸顺序动作电气控制回路的设计方法。
Abstract The applied technology and a equipment are mentioned for protecting insulation overhead line from lightning strike breakdown in this paper. 摘要本文提出一种防止配电线路架空绝缘电缆雷击断线的实用技术和装置,可有效地防止架空绝缘电缆雷击断线、绝缘子损坏等事故。
Abstract The development of inverter welding power source is the inexorable trend of welding power source orientation. 逆变焊接电源是焊接电源的主要发展方向之一。
Abstract The rapid development of township enterprises will bring about serious environmental problems. 摘要文章提出了乡镇企业的迅速发展的同时,带来的严重的环境。
Abstract The student management system introduced important systems analysis, system surveys, data flow analysis, functional design, database design, system configuration Physics programmer, the achievement of the system, system testing and debugging. 摘要本文重要介绍了学生管理系统的系统分析、系统调查、数据流程分析、功能设计、数据库设计、系统物理配置方案、系统实现、系统测试和调试。

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