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You are looking rather green.

You are linked to these beings because you are extensions or operable forces of them. 你们是联系这些存在,因为你们是延伸或者他们可操作的力量。
You are listening to the news from the BBC. 你现在正在收听的是英国广播公司新闻。
You are listening to the news in VOA Special English. 你正在收听的是VOA特别英语。
You are literally flying high on your own. 你实际上是凭你自己的力量飞到这么高。
You are long-suffering--do not take me away; think of how I suffer reproach for your sake. 不要向他们忍怒取我的命,要知道我为你的缘故受了凌辱。
You are looking rather green. 你脸色苍白。
You are looking rather pale, are you ill? 你的脸色有些苍白,你生病了吗?
You are loved, there's no doubt about that, in direct proportion to the love you spread around. Enjoy, because now it's everywhere. 毫无疑问的,你深受喜爱。传递出去的爱愈多就愈受人喜爱。好好享受,现在处处都充满爱。
You are lucky to be alive after being in that accident. 你真幸运,经过那场车祸还能生还。
You are lucky to have a thoughtful wife. 有个这么体贴的妻子, 你真幸运.
You are lying and lies can not cover up facts. 你在说谎,但谎言掩盖不了事实。

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