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I do not understand. What make a straight blue line art?

I do not think that the photo is a hoax because the sun position on the disk is on the same side as other objects in the photo. 我不认为照片是一场骗局,因为太阳的位置上,是磁盘的同方作为其他物体的照片.
I do not think the German Air Force has the numbers or quality to overpower our air defences. 我不认为德国空军在数量和质量上能击溃我们的空防。
I do not think we have any vase make of bamboo. 我想我们没有竹制的花瓶。
I do not understand the rationale behind the decision to sell the warehouse. 我不明白在出售仓库的决定后面有什么原由。
I do not understand why they make a fuss, make things so much. 我不明白大家为何小题大做,把事情闹得这么大。
I do not understand. What make a straight blue line art? 我不明白。一条监色直线算什么艺术呀?
I do not use a spreadsheet, nor can I identify any uses or features it might have which would benefit the way I work. 我既不会使用计算机的电子制表,也不知道它将对我的工作方式有何帮助。
I do not use the angles of the chart in defining the pattern. 我不使用命盘中的四角来定义这图形。
I do not waive my right to view the contents of this Professional Reference Form. 我保留阅读填写完毕的推荐信的权利。
I do not want a very big house but sheltering from the rain is enough. 我不追求你的房子有多大,可以挡风闭雨就行。
I do not want my friend to die for me; if they will be polite, and let me alone, I will be satisfied. 我不想朋友们为我而死;倘使他们温文有礼,又肯让我自个儿(安安静静地)呆着,则吾愿已足了。

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